san stood up from his place, moving to try and pick up wooyoung but he was stopped by hongjoong who had been leaning on the back of the couch from behind. "he just fell asleep you might wake him up. don't worry yunho and i will take him in a bit, you go clean up. you're full of blood" hongjoong said and san only looked at him funny before looking down to the omega and nodding his head.

it wasn't a full lie but hongjoong knew that if san took wooyoung then he'd see the mark and that wouldn't end well for anyone, not until they were sure seonghwa had taken the intruder out. just like that san was gone and everyone was once again sending each other glances. what were they supposed to do now?


(a/n time skip because i have writers block and have been stuck here for a good 3 days)

wooyoung had been transferred to his room about an hour later when seonghwa returned and checked on the omega himself. he believed his mate but he also needed to see it with his own eyes. the males own blood had started boil when he had seen the now healing but still bruised skin and bite on the omega's neck. their only choices now were to keep the alpha there and force him to break the bond or kill the alpha but that was not something they wanted to deal with. hell they didn't even know how they would get the guy to break the bond. they all fully knew that he would never do it because he saw wooyoung's life as a game and breaking his forced bond on the omega would mean he had lost the game. the pack knew his pride would never let him and since he was the from the pack wooyoung had fled from, they knew people would be out searching for him once they realized one of their alphas had not returned yet.

everything was going downhill quite quickly for the pack but they all stuck together, helping each other out.

wooyoung was still tucked away in his slumber, sleeping peacefully and snuggled into his comforter and yunho's lap. hongjoong and him had already move the omega back to his room once san had disappeared up the stairs. they still didn't know what they were going to do about the entire situation but right now all hongjoong cared about was if wooyoung was okay.

yunho's hand was currently running through the brunettes head of hair that rested in his lap. when he had put the male down in his bed he had whined at the feeling of the touch disappearing so yunho decided to just sit in the bed beside wooyoung and let him use his lap as a pillow. hongjoong was on the other side of wooyoung, legs crossed as he cleaned the dried blood off of the other.

it was a cute sight to see and the soft 'aww' that resonated through the quiet room cause the two awake omegas to look up. seonghwa had somehow made his way into the room, the omegas not even hearing the sound of the door since they were too entranced by wooyoung's peaceful sleeping appearance.

"hwa!" hongjoong exclaimed quietly, a smile emerging onto his face. "what happened to the guy?" he asked curiously although he already had a feeling about where he was.

seonghwa smiled back softly at his lover who was caring for the younger one and moved to sit on the edge of the bed near hongjoong. "i took care of him, he's in that place. and he won't be getting out anytime soon. jongho already cleared the air of any traces of his scent so we should be okay if anyone comes knocking to look for him." seonghwa looked over to his mate and saw the sad look in his eyes as he peered down at wooyoung. "i know my love, we will get it done somehow. wooyoung will be okay, he has san to protect him. but for now we need to make sure we will all be safe, and that includes wooyoung."

hongjoong just let out a sigh and leant against seonghwa who immediately enveloped him with his arms. yunho smiled at the two and then looked back down to wooyoung who had stirred slightly.

"mmm..." wooyoung mumbled as he turned slightly before stopping and then peeling his eyes open just a bit to take in his surroundings but avoid the flood of bright light. he remembered everything but he pushed it out of his mind as he wanted to forget about the mark on his neck. he knew he wouldn't be able to completely forget about it but just for now. even just for a little.

finally realizing who he was with and the position he was in, he smiled up sheepishly at the taller omega but stayed where he was. it was quite comfortable and he was too lazy to move an inch. a silence fell over the four males but it was a peaceful one as they all basked in each others comfort.

"mm... can someone get sannie... i want to talk to him" wooyoung spoke out of the blue slightly startling hongjoong who's eyes had closed as he melted into seonghwa's arms.

"hmm? oh yeah uhm me and hwa can. but woo? he doesn't know, he didn't see it." hongjoong explained as the two mentioned stood from where they sat to get ready to leave. yunho too nudged wooyoung's shoulder and the omega moved, allowing yunho to stand up and follow after the duo.

"i know... don't worry" wooyoung smiled softly towards the luna before the three disappeared, leaving him to his own thoughts. thoughts that filled his head with darkness.

not a moment too soon, a knock sounded from his door and wooyoung let out a hum loud enough for the person behind it to hear that they were allowed in. as he had expected san had been the one to open the door and closed it right behind him when he entered.

"wooyoung are you o- what the hell is that?" as he entered the alpha has let his gaze fall onto the others body. eyes roaming to see if he had been injured at all. of course the first thing he noticed was the dark bruising along his neck followed by a very irritated and red bite mark.

wooyoung immediately let his eyes drop and his hand came up to hide it the scene. he swallowed the lump in his throat and braved himself to look up at an angry san. the male knew wasn't angry at him, it was most likely his wolf angry at the sight of its mate having been claimed and not by it. although san never listened or understood the inner feelings and hints his wolf was throwing at him.

"he... when i bit his arm, before he let me go he bit me." wooyoung's voice was soft and quiet, afraid that if he spoke any louder that he would break his fragile self with the volume. san let out a huff of air, clearly pissed off and ready to punch something or someone.

"san please? could you just come hug me i don't want to remember it right now. it hurts." the omega pleaded. sans gaze softened when heard the desperation in the others voice and he immediately found himself moving to the bed. the alpha took a seat, eyes on the others neck which had been uncovered once more.

san looked up to catch wooyoung's gaze, glancing down at the mark once more while his hand moved towards it, as if asking for permission to touch the area. wooyoung only nodded, his eyes watching the others movements and expression the whole time.

san may seem calm but inside he was raging. he was holding himself back from asking seonghwa where the bastard was so he could rip his head off. the males fingertips made contact with wooyoung's skin and the he flinched slightly at it but relaxed just as quickly.

a sigh slipped past sans lips and he shook his head. "i'm so sorry. if i had acted sooner this wouldn't have happened to you." he said as he ran his thumb gently over the area causing a soft moan of comfort to erupt out of wooyoung's mouth.

san wouldn't lie when he said the little sound had somewhat turned him on, but he pushed that thought from his mind and finally looked up to wooyoung. "sannie you couldn't have done anything about it. it's not your fault okay? don't blame yourself." wooyoung slightly scolded as his body reacted on its own to the others touch.

the alphas thumb was now caressing right under wooyoung's jawline, causing the smaller boys eyes to flutter shut and tilt his head off to the other side to allow san more access to the area. wooyoung felt drunk any time san touched him. the feeling was like his own personal alcohol, something wooyoung would never tire of.

2270 words

sorry this took forever to come out i literally could not for the life of me get past my writers block

so if this chapter sucks that's the main reason why 😭

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