Unfortunately Jihyo couldn't join the group phots since it's cast only Y/N would steal glances at her and he saw that beautiful smile of hers. She smiles proudly of her boyfriends big day

 She smiles proudly of her boyfriends big day

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Then soon Y/N walks over to her. "how's the most beautiful girl in the world doing?" He asks as he interlock his hand with hers "Amazing I'm so proud of you" she gives him a quick kiss "Come on it's time to go inside" the couple then makes their way inside of the movie theater

Jihyo POV

The movie hasn't disappointed seeing Y/N being the tough bad boy type is so damn sexy okay Jihyo calm down but also I felt a bit jealous seeing him and Elizabeth kissing on screen yes I know it's just a movie but knowing during filming of these scenes they were actually together made me jealous I guess Y/N knew I felt a bit uneasy seeing them two together he held my hand and gentle rubbed his thumb on my hand. The best part is about to begin the big battle at the airport

Tony Stark: Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?

James Rhodes: Definitely weird.

Steve Rogers: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.

T'Challa: (T'Challa leaps over a truck) Captain.

Steve Rogers: Your highness.

Tony Stark: Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?

Steve Rogers: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony Stark: Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.

Steve Rogers: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.

Natasha Romanoff: Steve . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?

Tony Stark: All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos! (Peter shoots a web, stealing Steve's shield and binding his hands.) Nice job, kid.

Peter Parker: Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.

Peter Parker: Okay. Cap . . . Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just . . .

Peter Parker: Hey, everyone.

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