Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline

Start from the beginning

Even though she can't see him, she can practically see him nodding in relief. "Yeah. That sounds good. Door's unlocked."

Not 20 minutes later, Annabeth punches in the code to enter his Apartment complex; having been given it by Percy the day he moved in, cause the two of them are practically always at one of their places. With familiar practiced steps, she climbs the two flights of stairs to get to his one bed apartment and opens the door.

Immediately she's hit with a smell she doesn't think she has ever smelled. Which is odd given how long she has known Percy. She knows how he smells, how his home smells. And this is similar. It has the undertones of Percy -the fresh saltiness that almost resembles the ocean- but over that is a scent she can't place. It's sweeter, almost like fresh fruit maybe, though she can't see any signs Percy chopped any fruit in his tiny kitchen that's right next to the door.

That actually makes her realize something that's missing from this scene. There's the pristine kitchen that Sally taught Percy to keep, complete with the overflowing sink cause he keeps forgetting to do dishes. There's the mess of a living room ; strewn papers, his laptop, a pile of laundry (probably clean knowing him), and a couple blankets. All blue accented or themed of course.

But there's no Percy.

Normally he'd be in the living room, already browsing for a movie, or in the kitchen prepping some snacks. On an especially rough day, he'd already be snacking on something on the couch, bundled up in his Finding Nemo blanket (his safety blanket). But never has she come over to him not even out in the 'common space'.

"Hey Perce? Everything okay?" Annabeth calls out, dropping her purse on his tiny kitchen counter as she hesitantly steps through the living space towards the bedroom door.

She hears no response, but the smell gets stronger as she gets closer to the bedroom. The weird smell is definitely coming from there. After a few seconds of nothing, she calls out again, louder. "Percy? Talk to me, what's going on." The combination of him acting weird earlier and this entire scenario is really putting her on edge now.

Suddenly, she manages to catch a faint muffled noise that almost sounds like a small animal whining, but deeper than any small animal she knows. That does it, regardless of the breach of privacy, Annabeth has to figure out what's happening and potentially help whatever poor creature is suffering in Percy's bedroom.

It's only as she pushes the door open and is met with the scent in full force that she realizes her mistake. There is no animal. The noises are coming from Percy, as is the sweet smell that Annabeth had smelt. Of course it's stronger in here, Percy's practically naked and grinding against his comforter in desperate jerky motions.

"Percy?" Annabeth manages to say, despite feeling like she's frozen in confusion and concern. She has never once seen Percy like this, not when they've had sex at least.

For some reason, that gets his attention -or maybe it's her presence in the room with him. Regardless, he looks up to her and freezes, staring up at her with wide eyes and blown out pupils. "Anna-" He swallows and seems to take a second to come to reality. "Annabeth... Wh- Why are you here?"

Annabeth furrows her brow, but doesn't move from her spot in the doorway. Something's up, that much she is sure of now, but she's completely lost as to what. "You asked me to come, remember? We're gonna do movie night here."

"Right..." He nods, but his eyes look past her, as if he isn't really here. He blinks and looks down at his bare torso, his shorts and boxers around his ankles, and his generally sweaty and disheveled state. As if without thinking, his hips jerk forward to grind against the comforter before he startledly looks at Annabeth. "Sorry, god this is so not how I wanted to do this..."

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