Aemma had tried to bond with the dragons that had hatched a few years before but kept insisting she did not feel any kind of connection with any of them. So here they were, and Deirys was pretty sure, she would be dead by the time the day was over. Her mother would murder her, child or not. Aemma just kept staring at the entrance to the dragon mount but did not move.

"It will be dark soon. We will need to return." Aemma glared at her and she raised her hands in surrender. "I was just saying."

"I do not know how to do this. How do I know what to feel? How did you claim Vermithor?"

"I do not know. I was one at the time. I do not have any recollection of what happened that day." Deirys saw Aemma's face fall and let out a sigh. She approached her little sister. "Close your eyes. Now, forget all about what you have heard other people say about dragons and empty your mind. You need to look deep within yourself. If your dragon is close by, you will feel a connection, like a string being pulled." Aemma did as she was told. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. After a while Aemma turned away from the dragon mount and towards the hill. She took a step forward then stopped herself. "Once you feel it, you need to follow that feeling. It will not guide you wrong."

Aemma looked at her for a moment then headed to the hill. Deirys followed a few paces behind. They both climbed the hill, once on the other side Aemma headed farther, towards the trees. But before she could make it they both heard a roar. A large black dragon landed in front of Aemma, letting out a roar so loud that the ground shook. Aemma fell on her backside and scrambled away. Deirys could feel the dragon's emotions. He was angry at the connection he could feel forming. Deirys cursed, of course, her little sister would claim the Cannibal. Aemma attempted to crawl back but stopped when the Cannibal lowered his head.

"Aemma you need to stay calm. He can feel your fear." How was she supposed to explain to her mother her little sister had been killed by a dragon? "Aemma, I need you to close your eyes." She saw her little sister follow her instructions and made sure her voice was calm and clear. "Deep within yourself, you need to find the voice you and the Cannibal share. Your souls are kin. When you speak to him as his equal, he must obey your will."

"Calm, Cannibal." Deirys saw Aemma stand up and looked at the dragon directly in the eyes. "Serve me." Cannibal growled, trying to resist the bond, but Aemma would not give up. Her voice was much stronger now. "Listen to my voice and serve."

Cannibal lowered his head and this time he did not growl or attempt to burn her sister. Aemma approached the large dragon and put a hand on one side of his snout. The dragon closed his eyes and Aemma ran her hands over the lower part of his face.

"Good. I believe we should name you something different." Her sister seem to think for a moment, then brightened. "What about Aegarax? My sister said he is the god of all creatures and created the first dragon."

The Cannibal, well now Aegarax, purred at the new name. Aemma ran back to Deirys and hugged her waist.

"Thank you." She hugged Aemma back and kissed her head like she had seen her mother do many times. "Now we can both return before our mother kills us both."

"Aemma, had you thought how you will return to Kings Lanadings?" Aemma frowned. "You do know I cannot allow you to ride Aegarax? He does not have a saddle. Also, mother and father might confine me to my chambers for life, so I would prefer if it did not include torture for letting you ride a wild dragon."

"But I have to ride him." Now she was getting a headache. "He is mine, I just claimed him."

"I'm aware, I was here." She grabbed Aemma's hand and dragged her towards Vermithor. "It does not mean you are allowed to ride him yet. Once we go back to Kings Landings you can talk to father. If he says is ok then you can ride Aegarax as much as you like."

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