Chapter 42

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We didn't go on any holiday or anything special, well except for a few cheat days and some adventures. We want to focus on the World Cup and being ready for it. So we have been training hard for if. We start pre camp tomorrow where we will be together for a quick meeting and media before heading onto the bus to the airport to get on the team plane and fly in 1st class.I've never flown in first class before. Which I can't wait for.

The World Cup is in Australia and New Zealand which I can't wait for as I've never been before but I am absolutely terrified of spiders like I'll actually start crying. There's a few highs in the media about the pay and the armbands but hopefully it all will be sorted before the World Cup starts.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BE Y/N FOR CRYING OUT LOUD TURN OFF THE ALARM" lessi shouts more annoyed at me than the fact she had to get up. Sorry both of us have to get up. I turned off the alarm. "Thank you" she says before rolling back onto her side and deepening her head into the pillow. Well..... not for long. It took me about 3.4 seconds to jump ontop of her and start tickling her. "You sure you don't want to go back to sleep" I ask smugly. "Y/nnnn st..op PLEEASEEEE" "sorry what" I say back pretending I didn't hear her. "I BEGGG" she squirms out. I do get off and all I can do it laugh myself. This is true happiness and it's nice, really nice. I forget about life and all my worries and my past and my screwed up family and all I can think about is how the sun is coming in through the window and the fresh air is coming in through the open window. It becomes very relaxing.

We do eventually get up and not surprisingly arrive a few minutes late.... "About time for ye to arrive" "how long did ye spend f*****g?" "Only 45mins late" random voices of our teammates say. " we were late because she was tickling me" lessi replied in a monotone voice looking at me. As we walk fully into the room to sit down. The room is silent one minute than in near tears of laughter. Rach is on the ground hitting it with her palm. Even when sarina coughed to get our attention Rach was still on the ground with Millie dragging her onto the chair.

We did eventually get through the meeting of the plan and the gear we get and very minimal tactical plans. We made our way onto the bus to make our way to the airport. We each had around 2 bags some had 3. I had 2 mostly with shoes and hats in them. The kit team had all of our gear and boots etc. We only had our travel gear. As they probably think we would forget our gear. Which they are probably right to be honest.

The plane ride was lovely in my opinion I sat next to lessi. It was very comfortable and well quite for once. Lessi mostly slept while I watched countless movies. Yes I did take a quick nap but other than that I had the time of my life. A long time later we were in Australia. Most were jet lagged all ready, which I don't understand. Sunny Australia. Now I know it's winter here but I don't know how will I run around on a pitch. I'm used to cold and windy uk not sunny and hot Australia so this will be exciting.

Sarina did say it would be easy to begin with for the people who are jet lagged. We are also set to stay in a very nice I don't really know hotel? But it looks lovely. We did get told we had 2 days to our selves to do what we want and explore. Our room buddy would get changed every week something about team bonding and talking to people you normally wouldn't which is fine as I think this team treats each other as a family anyway.

We did have time to settle and have our own time, most of us went to the beach and too wayyyy to many pictures of the kangaroos as I don't think many of us have actually seen them in person. We did get a message about room buddy's and my first one was Leah which will be really nice as I haven't stayed with her in a while after I moved out. Yes we have hung out and made food but I haven't stayed over. And I also think she's seeing someone finally, I'm happy for her.

We got back to the hotel in one piece surviving the kangaroo standing up next to us making it look like he wants to fight. Which felt like a success but also scary in the moment, as I'm pretty sure would it be like animal abuse if I hit him back..?

(Time skip)
2 days have passed we have gone whale watching, seen beaches, ate lovely food, done media posts, spent time with fans, played hide and seek in the hotel, even gone surfing. The fun time is over now and this is where it begins.......


Ya it's been a while and I'm truly sorry I really am. It will get better I promise.

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