Chapter 36

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It has been an intense few days, no free days, nothing. Even media days were more fun and easy and we all hated them. The pressure was rising on the daily and especially since we found out it would be a sold out stadium. Which is absolutely incredible. I got tickets for my family to come and spare in case they wanted to bring anyone else. The u19 England team are coming anyway. And apparently lots of players from other teams will be there.

Today was our only free day, well not really free, we just had a light session in the morning. The training was mostly tactical and a lot of set pieces. After training I went to mine and lessis room. I got in and just laid there. It has been a lot of pressure recently between everything happening and trying to keep off social media. Which is surprisingly harder said than done. I was in my own thoughts until I hear lessi "listen y/n can we talk?" She says. I sit up immediately thinking the worst obviously. "Ya of course what's wrong?" I say back worried. "Nothing wrong really well depends how you take it, so I have been pretty quiet recently an" "recently?" I laugh at her knowing she's always a quiet person. I move over next to her on her bed facing her. "Sorry go on" I say " As I was saying, I've been quiet as I've been questioning myself and I know it's weird to tell you but, you are making me question myself and I want to know is it me seeing things or is it real?" Lessi says while looking straight at me. It was unexpected, what is she questioning?herself? Like who she likes? "Lessi honestly you are an amazing, beautiful person, you make it so hard for me to just sit here and not kiss you as I'm looking into your stunning mesmerising blue eyes." I say in a quick breath. I didn't know what to expect from her. It's all in her hands now.

"What if I say I don't want you to just sit there anymore, what if I say I might want to try something, what if I kiss you?" She says slowly. "Than I would ask if your sure, I would go at your pace and I would love every moment of it" I reply back.
" I am sure, I want to try" she says leaning forward. All I did was follow her lead.

It was a quick passionate kiss . "So what do you want to happen now?" I ask "well I want to try this, it's new to me but you make me feel safe" she says looking at me. "I want to try this too , we should take it slow" I say back to her. She just nods her head and leans into me for a hug. Her head right underneath mine on my chest.

"What about a walk?" "I would love to" she says. We get up and put on our England jumpers. And head out. No one really noticed us. We head out and after a small bit she grabs my hand. And looks up to me "not too soon?" " not at all". After a bit of more silence she looks up at me again "sorry I have to ask, what happens now, what are we" " I look slightly down at her. "We take it slow, we don't have to have a label or anything, just keep it between us until you like" I say. "Ya okay, I like that" lessi says back.

The walk mostly takes up of us talking about our family's and the euros before heading back. As soon as saint George's park is in our eyesight we let go hands as we want to keep this just to us for now. We walk in and right infront of our faces Rach is absolutely legging it away from Millie while screaming and running towards the food hall. We head in behind them not really knowing what happened but we are not surprised as they are always up to something. "Hey where have ye been?" I turn to see Leah ask. "Just for a walk to get fresh air" I reply. She nods before being called off somewhere else. We get our food and chill for the rest of the day. Calming our nerves for the bug day tomorrow. We all get an early night sleep. Well tried to as the blinds kept moving and making a bunch of noise, the team group chat was going mental as no one could figure out how to turn them off. So at 3am when me and lessi had enough as we knew we all needed sleep we just broke them. And sent a message into the group chat for people to do the same and that we would deal with the consequences of it tomorrow and hopefully we wouldn't be in too much trouble.


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