"You converted me pretty fast with most of those candies you grew up on. They are so much better than American candy. Especially the chocolate ones."

"I'll be right back with those. Cal and Brandy are going to bring Petunia home soon, do you want to see them or should I tell them you're napping when they show up?"

"I'd be okay seeing them, they're not the kind of people I'm scared to have see me like this." El chuckles.

"Okay, still try to nap though, you're still healing in your stomach and your arm."

"I will." She promises, handing him the large water bottle from her nightstand.

"I'll be right back." He chuckles, standing to leave the room.

Elodie takes the minute he's gone to glance around the room, getting lost in memories. From the first time Luke had brought her here she'd loved this space. The room used to feel like Luke in every way, and it would wrap her in warmth and safety everytime she entered. Back then he had multiple guitars laid around the room, and there had been band awards and plaques hung on the walls. This was where he'd sprung the idea of her moving in on her, it had scared the shit out of her. Ultimately she'd taken that jump and it had been the right choice. The room had changed since she moved in, the band plaques mostly moved to other areas of the house, instead the bedroom walls filled with the Berlin and Chicago skylines and a few photos of the two of them. Only one guitar stays in the room regularly anymore, Luke's first acoustic, beat up and retired from stage years before, it is now used to perform little solo shows for herself and Atlas to hear.

"What's that look?" She's pulled from her daze by Luke's voice, turning to smile at him as he comes into the room.

"Just thinking about all the special moments we've shared in this room." She shrugs, "I can't wait to share even more and to bring Atlas home to this house and this room."

"It's a pretty good room." Luke chuckles, handing her her chocolate and setting the water bottle on the nightstand beside her.

"How are you doing, Lu? It's been one hell of a week and you've had to take the brunt of it emotionally." She asks softly.

"Better now that you and Atlas are home and healing. It's been scary, and it's been hard, but it's okay, and it's getting better each day as you heal." He smiles, "Thanks for asking, please don't worry about me though, pretty girl. Your healing is the most important thing to me, that and meeting with Michael to see what they've found out about the car that hit you. I need the person who did this to at least see the consequences of their actions and stupidity, and I need to know if it was intentional or not."

"Have you found a time to meet up with Michael for that conversation yet?"

"Crystals making us dinner and bringing it over sometime this week. We'll be able to go over everything Michael's collected then."

"That works for me. Have you thought about sharing anything with the fans about what happened? Or at least letting them know that Atlas and I are okay?"

"Ya, but I haven't figured out what to say or share so I haven't yet. I will at some point today."

"Not too much, just enough to calm them down."

"I know, I promise." Luke nods, "Now try and nap, El. It will help you get better faster."

"I'll try." She sighs, slowly shifting herself down the bed with her left arm until she can lay flat.



Liked by crystalleigh, lillily, and others Lukehemmings: It's been a hell of a week, but it's nice to finally have my girls home and resting

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Liked by crystalleigh, lillily, and others
Lukehemmings: It's been a hell of a week, but it's nice to finally have my girls home and resting. Thank you to everyone who has sent concern and well wishes their way 🤍

Sadielady: give my sis a big hug for me! So glad they're home.

Babyhemmoupdates: girls??? Baby Hemmo is a girl? Girl dad Luke is happening for sure!?!? I'm so happy, congratulations to you all. Also, so grateful to know both El and the baby are safe and healing. 💕

What info might Michael have about the car? Well they ever figure out what happened?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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