A lil history lesson before dungeon quest!

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Y/N why are you hiding? *Desidia stared at Y/N who was hiding in the tub*

Y/N why are you hiding? *Desidia stared at Y/N who was hiding in the tub*

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Don't worry about that just know you never saw me here ight? ... she's gonna kill you regardless you know that right? *Y/N sighed as he got up from the tub* yeah I know that, but what if I just act like I had another quest to do? *Desdia shook her head as she walked out* you know you shouldn't be so mean to me as your brother. I'm not mean to you I just find you stupid sometimes actually most of the time love you too sis *Y/N slide down on the railing and entered the kitchen*.

Mhm we cooking it up in the kitchen *Y/N grabbed three bowls filling them up and walked into the living room* (Aww look at em!) where'd you get this geko?

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Mhm we cooking it up in the kitchen *Y/N grabbed three bowls filling them up and walked into the living room* (Aww look at em!) where'd you get this geko?

Mhm we cooking it up in the kitchen *Y/N grabbed three bowls filling them up and walked into the living room* (Aww look at em!) where'd you get this geko?

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Gale was a late gift from my brother to me I see... *Desdia slightly smirked as Y/N placed down the stew* so what are we going to do before we have to go and do a quest nothing much really we can just relax Pan said something about hella paperwork why? no fucking idea language watch it fine... *Gale jumped onto the table and started eating from his bowl*. know what I feel like we need? what? some family time! *Y/N ran upstairs grabbing something* we shall play something that carried my child-hood.

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