30 | Mighty Beast Roar

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Welcome to another chapter of a true hero and champion!
Last we left our heroes, they had been warned by arceus about an incoming doom that may befall the island, our heroes immediately went back home to group up with the others to think of a plan.
When they found out that the trio had gone missing for days, they went searching out for them in the island and finally found a lead, what they found was shocking to say the least, team rocket was badly injured and needed medical attention, ash was angered when suddenly 3 explosions occurred in different places all at once, a direction lana recognized to be the center of the city, near mallow's restaurant and the pokemon school, they split up in groups and tried to view the situation, ash's side encountered 3 low ranking grunts of team rocket burning down the city, with an epic battle going down, a girl suddenly cried out for help, ash who cannot ignore a person's cry, went to rescue the girl.
He was almost gonna be crushed like her when suddenly his old partner greninja came back to help, with his new teammate and catching Z2 and bonnie catching squishy, they continued back to the pokemon school.

Now onward to adventure!


Gladion's POV

We split up from ash's group to go help the pokemon school, our class went on our field trip to akala island so we were not in school for awhile but there were still other students there who may have been in danger.

"Can't we get a break? We keep running around and getting ourselves in messes, but I guess I'm not bored anymore." I thought to myself as I sighed.

As we reached the school, to our horror everything was set a blaze, everyone was screaming for help and trying to run outside the building.

"We need a water pokemon quick!" I yelled as I looked at everyone, where was lana and ash when you need their water pokemon I wondered.

"Here! Marshtomp go use watergun!" Brock yelled as he threw out his pokemon who immediately sprayed water in every direction as fast as it could.

"I'll help everyone in evacuating!" Volunteering max immediately sent out his ralts, and run into the school gates, "I'll make sure everyone is accounted for, I know every student and teacher!" Sophocles spoke up next and I nodded as he followed max inside the school.

"Well well what do we have here?" I heard a deep male voice said, I look looked left and right for the source, when suddenly a tall male figure came out of the fire with a pokeball in hand, he was wearing a dark shirt that said R, he was with team rocket, the people causing harm to this island.

"So you're the one who did this?!" I yelled in frustration, he smirked at me almost mockingly.

"And what if I did, gladion aether?" He confirmed, the mention of my name made me flinch a bit, so he knew who I was.

"I'll beat you, you damn crap! Nobody messes with my home! Go umbreon!" Grabbing a pokemon from my belt, I threw out my partner to battle.

"Gladion!" I heard brock yell from behind me but I extended my hand signalling him to let me handle this.

"Focus on putting out the fire brock, I can do this." I reassured him and he nodded, he was probably used to it from ash.

"Tsk dumb kid, you can't beat me by yourself, go houndoom!" The grunt yelled as he threw out his own pokemon, it was wearing some sort of collar? I didn't know what it was so I'll ignore it for now.

"Umbreon shadow ball!" Charging the dark type attack, umbreon launched it towards houndoom, the grunt didn't make a command, and houndoom didn't even move, as the shadow ball got closer it hit houndoom directly on the face.

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