Maia Stokeworth

Rhaenyra had been shocked when she walked into the banquet hall and saw the Velaryons standing in front of the main table talking to her father. In the four years since she had returned to Kings Landing, they had rejected every single invitation that had been sent to them. Rhaenyra had planned to fly to Driftmark as soon as she got the chance, but a few weeks after arriving at Kings Landing she discovered she was with child. The twins' pregnancy had been hard on her, the midwife explained that the troubles were due to the fact that she was very small and carrying two children instead of one. By the time she had stopped emptying her stomach at all hours of the day, she was too far along in her pregnancy to travel long distances.

After the twins were born she was busy with three children and her duties as heir. Then she had gotten with child once more. Rhaenyra wanted to get Lord Corlys on her side, but she was not stupid, that would take a lot of work on her part. He would not give in easy, she knew that he wanted power more than anything. He wanted his blood on the throne. Rhaenyra had discovered that at one point in time, Lord Corlys had tried to marry Laena to Daemon, the only thing that had stopped him was the fact that Daemon had been married to his first wife at the time. Two years before Rhaenyra and Daemon had married, Corlys had married Laena to his nephew Daeron Velaryon, Vaemond Velaryon's son. Laena had been twenty-three at the time and considered well past the appropriate age to be married. Lord Corlys then put his eyes on the throne once more and attempted to obtain Rhaenyra's hand for his son Laenor. He had not forgiven her or her father for her rejection.

"Your grace" Rhaenyra smiled at Sara. She noticed that Lord Rickon Stark had decided to make an appearance and also smiled at him as he bowed "Lady Sara, you look beautiful. That dress compliments you very well."

"Thank you, princess" Sara gave her a subtle signal with her head before kissing her father's cheek "I will give you and my father some privacy, he has been waiting to meet with you."

"Princess" Lord Stark waited until Sara had left them before addressing her. "I wanted to thank you for the invitation to your daughter's name day and also for what you did for my daughter."

"There is no need, my Lord. Your daughter is a credit to your house. I'm very happy to have her as my friend." Lord Stark's eyes widened a little. He was aware of the significance it had for his daughter that the heir to the iron throne recognized her as a friend. He bowed his head once more. "Your daughter informs me that you might have some news of interest to me."

"There seems to be talk about the faith of the seven attempting to reform the faith militant" Rhaenyra almost choked on her wine. "The citadel has started sending men to the smaller villages to recruit people to their cause. Of course all in secret and as far I'm aware they are not planning to take action until your father passes."

"So the faith is re-banding the faith militant so when my father dies they can help Otto Hightower and Queen Alicent fight the succession" It was not a question. She knew exactly what this meant. "I supposed they do not expect me to live too long after my father dies. Thank you, Lord Stark, I appreciate the information."

"Of course princess. I will inform you if I discover anything else."

He walked away and Rhaenyra forced herself to calm down. Ellyn was across the room with her husband and his brother, in a gorgeous red gown. Rhaenyra gave her a subtle signal and after a few minutes, Ellyn excused herself and made her way towards her.

"I need you to inquire discreetly if your husband or his brother are aware of any plots regarding the faith militant" Rhaenyra continued smiling so others would not realize what she was conversing about. "There is some talk and I need more information before deciding what to do."

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