Chapter 9

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Everything just seemed to get worse after that day, her mother and sister hadn't spoken to her since the fight between Janine and Katherine.

But that wasn't the worst thing that happened recently. A few hours ago a bunch of novices were sent out into the woods to do practice drills.

Katherine stood in the command centre with Alberta watching on the screen where the novices were going and how fast they were going.

"They aren't going in the right direction" she muttered as she tilted her head

"Rose must have seen something, don't worry mikhail will be watching her" Alberta smiled a little

Katherine nodded and turned back to the screen to watch them, it looked like they were going towards an old building that had been wrecked a long time ago.

As she watched the screen something felt
Off to her, it felt dangerous, it felt like she needed to go and protect her sister but more importantly as she stared at that screen she felt like something was about to go terribly wrong.

As she focused on the screen infront of her she barely registered Dimitri walking into the room, she didn't even acknowledge him until his hand lay gently on her shoulder, she jumped slightly as she turned her head and looked at him, she could see in his eyes that something was wrong meaning whatever she felt a moment ago was very real.

She tilted her head slightly "what's going on" she whispered

Dimitri looked at her for a second before he looked at Alberta "you need to pull them from this, there's a stragoi out there"

Kathrine gasped as she stood up "Alberta you need to...." Before she finished her sentence she looked at Alberta, the look on the woman's face told her everything she needed to know, Alberta knew about the stragoi

"You knew" Kat whispered

"The council wanted to test if the novices were ready to graduate a few years early" as Alberta spoke the anger on kats face deepened

"The council want to do what" she growled "do they have any idea what it's like to have a fucking stragoi as a child, fuck, I'll tell them when I've got and got my sister and mikhail" she muttered "does he know that there's one there" she asked

Alberta shook her head "only me, headmistress Kirova and victor do" she muttered

Kat looked at Dimitri "your faster than me go" she whispered and watched him run out before she turned to Alberta "if any of them get to hurt, I will never forgive you"

Alberta stepped forward "Katherine..." she started to speak before Kat cut her off

"No. You don't get to do this, you know how taking down those stragoi ruined me, you saw how frightened Rose and Lissa were the night there was one outside of the academy, for god sake you've seen what one stragoi has managed to do to my back and yet you've let the council put a live stragoi that's probably not fed in weeks out there with a group of novices and a few guardians. I don't think I will ever forgive you for this" she whispered before she ran out of the room

She ran down to the weapons room that had conveniently been left unlocked, as she looked at the code that was imputed last, she smiled a little Dimitri has left it open for her knowing that she would follow him.

She took a deep breath before he grabbed a gun and a spare stake and looked around before she stole the keys to a bike.

She ran past multiple guardians all of them looked at her with small frowns on their faces, her back burned with the amount of stretching the skin was doing as she ran, but she didn't care she needed to get to the people who had been her family for years and her sister.

Getting on that bike made her realise that in a moment, everything was as going to change, she could feel it, nothing would ever be the same again.

Racing down the field towards her sister felt like it took forever, by the time she got to the old building that appeared on the map so many more people were there.

It wasn't only the novices there now, instead the small car help Lissa, Mia, Meredith, Mason, Eddie and Christian

"What happened" she asked as she jumped off the bike and took in Meredith's broken arm

"Stragoi came out of nowhere there were many of them" Manson whispered

She nodded a little "and rose, the guardians" she asked

"Rose made us all come out here" Lissa whispered it was clear she was scared

"The guardians are dead" Eddie muttered making her freeze slightly, they couldn't be, no mikhail was with them he couldn't be dead.

"Guardian belikov turned up a few minutes ago and ran inside to rose" Eddie sighed

She looked at Lissa and then at Meredith
"Heal her" she muttered "nobody will tell I promise you" she muttered as she looked at the novices and then the moroi that sat besides her and watched as they all nodded

She watched as Lissa healed Meredith before she smiled softly "good, now nobody comes back in there do you understand. If guardian belikov or I are not back out here in ten minutes you leave, you tell Alberta this is no longer a rescue mission, it's a funeral parade" she muttered as she grabbed her stake and began to walked towards where she knew where rose and Dimitri were

"Kat you can't" Lissa spoke

"I have to Liss, I have to make sure Rose makes it out alive, that guardian belikov makes it home to his family and most importantly liss I have to find mikhail" she whispered before she ran inside

She didn't know what to expect running into that building, but what she saw was definitely not what she was expecting, she saw rose and Dimitri standing side by side fighting, as she stepped into the room all three heads turned to her and everything froze for her.

Stragoi. Blood dripping down the chin slashing onto the floor, veins of grey pulsing under the eyes, and yet as she looked at those eyes, eyes she had stared into a thousand times, eyes that used to bring her comfort and joy, once bright blue eyes now stood deep and dark, almost black, the soul for a killer in the body of a man she cared deeply for.

The stragoi infront of her was mikhail. Her brother, her best friend, her greatest ally. God help anyone that had a part in this, she was going to ruin them all.

As she looked at him her eyes wide she could do nothing but shut her emotions out and run forward ready to fight the thing, it was no longer mikhail, he was long gone.

Angel of destiny|| d.belikov Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon