Chapter 4

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Kat had no idea how long she had been out for but one she did know was that she was in a world of pain. Her back was throbbing.

As she lay wherever she was she began to think of what happened, she knew now it was a mistake to take the princess and her sister out of the wards where they could have been hurt, but they weren't right, no she knew for a fact she was the only one hurt.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, yet again she was in the hospital wing of the academy, honestly they should just start calling the room she was in the Katherine Hathaway residence she was in there that much.

Once her eyes had adjusted to the light she turned her head and noticed mikhail sat on the chair next to her bed with his own eyes closed, during the time she was injured her and mikhail had grown incredibly close, he was there for her rehab appointments and was always there to be a friend to her, he was a brother to her.

She looked at her for a second "how much trouble am I in" she whispered her voice slightly croaky

Slowly his eyes opened and relief filled his face "not much, yes you made a mistake but you defended them with your life, almost literally" he mumbled "you'll get a telling off and you'll likely have this on your record and you've been docked two points from the board but given the fact you and Dimitri both killed that stragoi one point has been added to the board"

She looked at him for a second before she nodded "how bad is my back" she asked

He looked at her for a second "you tore part of your scar open, they had to restitch it" he mumbled

She sighed and leaned her head back "are lis and rose safe though, that's all that matters" she whispered

"They are Kat, they were running to find help when they found Dimitri, he rushed to you as they rushed to us" he mumbled "when we got there the stragoi was dead and you were in his arms, he didn't put you down until your stitches were done, your clung to him like he was your life line" he muttered

She hummed a little as she closed her eyes "I'll be back in a minute" he whispered as he kissed her head gently before he walked out.

Once he left she let her self sag into the bed before a tear rolled down her face.

"You have many people quite the scare trouble" his heavily accented voice mumbled from infront of her.

She yet again opened her eyes and looked at him, her eyes full of pain she didn't want mikhail to see
"Hi" she mumbled

He moved until he was next to her on the chair and looked at her "talk to me trouble" he whispered

She looked at him "we saved rose and Lissa but at what cost, my back will take ages to heal, I can't fight properly, when does it stop being all about royals and moroi and when does it start being about dhampir" she mumbled

Dimitri looked at her for a second "Katerina to moroi our lives do not matter, but to each other our lives are sacred and important" he whispered

She looked at him before she shook her head "sometimes that isn't enough" she whispered

"Trouble, things are enough if they say they are" he whispered softly
"Why do you keep calling me trouble" she asked

He looked at her for a second "because you seemed to be trouble" he mumbled

She hummed a little before she nodded.

She flinched slightly as she moved before she looked at him again "why did you tell them we both killed the stragoi" she muttered

He looked at her for a moment "because despite your injury Katerina, you did your best to get rose and Lissa to safety and it out caring about what happened to you" he mumbled "you did all the hard work, I just finished it off"

She looked at him "then technically you killed it not me" she muttered

"Not according to the paperwork i filled out, it was a joined effort so we will both get marked for it" he muttered as he looked at her

She nodded a little and leaned back again before she smiled a little.

"What punishment did Lissa and rose get" she asked as she hummed a little

He leaned back in the chair and looked at her "they both now have separate rooms, there are things in place so that they cannot talk to each other for a little while, that is There punishment for leaving the academy" he mumbled

She nodded a little but before she could say anything mikhail walked back in and looked at the two "well this looks cosy" he mumbled

She rolled her eyes a little "yes because lying here is so amazing" she mumbled "idiot"

"Oi I'm a guardian you can't to me like that" he smirked as he leaned against the wall

"Oh shit up mik" she smiled as she looked at him before she tilted her head "why do you smell like daisies" she asked "oh my god did you leave me to go and see a girl"

She could have sworn mikhail blushed before he flipped her off "for your information I was visiting a friend"

She smiled a little and looked at Dimitri "that is mikhail talk for, he was talking to someone he wants to snog" she chuckled

"I don't have to stand here and take this slander thank you very much" mikhail mumbled as he crossed his arms, as he pouted slightly

Dimitri looked at the two of them and frowned "you two have a very weird relationship, I can't quite decipher what it is" he mumbled

Mikhail chuckled "I've been a guardian for a long time, when I came here Kat and rose were already here, I saw how Kat did everything to protect her sister all at the cost of her own happiness so I became the older brother she didn't have" he smiled a little "the rest she can tell you if she wishes"

She hummed "he helped me after my accident" she whispered "I couldn't walk for weeks so he would help me get around, he would be by by side at rehab appointments, I had no one else, helped me" she muttered

"I always will, the doctor will be by to check on you soon, I have to go and take over guard duty on the wards, try not to move too much it'll tug on your scars" he muttered and waited for her to nod before he walked away.

Dimitri looked at her for a second "you know this time is different" he mumbled

She hummed a little "I know Lissa and rose are back now" she said as she sighed a little

"And me" he mumbled "I'd like to take over your rehab and therapy appointments, I would like to help you train again, I can create a routine that won't hurt your back" he mumbled

She looked at her for a second "thank you" she muttered. He smiled "anything for you"

Katerina looked at him and smiled a little, he was willing to take time out of his own schedule to help her and she adored that, but she was also willing to try anything if it meant she could get back to fighting soon.

Perhaps because of how nice he was being to her and because he'd be helping her train, perhaps it was time for her to tell him how she got her injury and how badly it actually affected her.

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