Chapter 3

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It's said every good story starts with a tragedy, one that alters a persons life forever, so Katherine liked to think of her life as a story.

She had, had almost nothing big tragedy in her life so she was surely due some good right, only time would tell.

The following day Katherine walked out of her room and sighed a little to herself, given everything her and the other girls had been through she thought things may have been simple when they returned to the academy, she ever knew how wrong she would be.

A dhampir was meant to protect all Moroi, they were trained from young ages to be able to take on even the most ruthless and ancient stragoi, no matter the cost they were supposed to make sure their charges lived even if they didn't.

Many dhampirs understood this, they went along with it, but there were a few they deemed it necessary for dhampirs to also have lives, long and happy ones that shouldn't end in death, a life were both duty and love could coincide.

When Andre had been named heir to the throne he had promised Katherine that he would work on changing the law, Katherine wanted a life, she even wanted to marry one day if she could, she just didn't know if that was going to be a possibility now, nobody knew who the next heir to the throne would be, but it was likely the person who would rule, would change their world. And probably not for better.

All while Kat was day dreaming and thinking she hadn't realised she had made her way yet again ti the training ring, only right now it was way too early for anyone, any novice to be training, but not a Guardian.

As she looked up she was met with the face of a certain Russian guardian, she smiled a little at him when he looked at her "ignore me" she muttered as she sat down

He rose his eyebrow slightly making her frowning and instantly hate it, she hated he could do that and she couldn't.

He tilted his head slightly "are you here to train Katerina" he asked as he wrapped his fists in cloth

She shook her head "I'm not allowed to, it could hurt my back" she mumbled

He hummed as he looked at her for a second "is any part of your injury on your shoulders" he questioned making her shake her head

"Good come here, that's an order" he muttered

She looked at him and rolled her eyes "pulling rank is not nice in a friendly situation guardian belikov" she smiled as she walked over to him and tilted her head as he started to wrap her knuckles

He chuckled "I'll remember that for the future" he whispered as he looked at her "you may not be able to fully train, you can't land on your back but you can definitely start building up the muscle on your arms by simply moving them as if you were staking a stragoi" he muttered

She tilted her head a little and looked at the training dummy infront of her and frowned as she pretend to fight and stake it using only her hands. She expected it to hurt, to tug on the injuries on her back but surprisingly it didn't.

She looked at him and smiled "how did you know it wouldn't hurt" she asked
He looked down at her and hummed "your shoulder carry most of your arm movement, if your shoulders were injured too it would hurt" he mumbled

She smiled at him and turned back to the funny and started to practice, none of the other guardians had thought of her to do this but it was refreshing, it made her feel normal, doing this even if it wasn't proper training made her feel refreshed.

Dimitri stood off to the side and watched her, he was watching just incase she did hurt herself but the smile on her face was something he could get used to seeing, it was something he definitely wanted to see more. He had no idea why this girl was bringing out a side of him he never showed but he could not help but enjoy it, he wanted to help this young woman and he would no matter what.

Angel of destiny|| d.belikov Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora