Chapter 6

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Dimitri had often spent most of his life hiding himself away from people, he cared for his family, would protect them with every single part of his being but when it came to making friends he often hated it, letting people get too close meant that if he died while doing his duty there were more people to mourn him.

And yet as Dimitri walked away from Katherine's room he couldn't help but want to go back, the girl opened up a part of him he had thought was buried long ago.

Part of him wanted to get to know her, he wanted to help her, he wanted to be her shoulder to cry on but also wanted to help her with her injury, he would never tell her but the day he saw her fighting the stragoi his heart dropped especially when he watched the stragoi throw her, he was so enraged, he wished he remembered what happened but he couldn't, all he saw was red, and then next moment he had her in his arms and refused to let anyone else touched her.

In the hospital ward he had seen a peak of her scar and it looked very uncomfortable, he understood now why she never seemed to relax in a chair, he only saw a bit of it but the redness shocked him, after three months a scar like that should have healed so it wasn't red anymore.

This girl had seemed to worm her way into his life and he doubted he would ever let her go, even now he was thinking about her.

As he walked into his own room he went straight to his wardrobe and grabbed a few tops and two of his jumpers before he went back to Katherine's room, as he walked inside he saw her sat on the sofa, curled up with a towel wrapped around her hair and her back never touching the back of the sofa, she looked comfortable but every now he saw her wince slightly, he wasn't surprised the shirt she wore was tight and stuck to her back, he couldn't have that.

"Katerina" he whispered trying not to scare her, she seemed lost in her thoughts, every time he was with her he seemed to slip back into Russian, he loved it, he missed his home, his native language was something that he was always taught to be proud of and he was especially when he saw the faint blush on her cheeks every time he called her Katerina.

He watched her jump slightly as she was pulled from her thoughts, she looked scared for a moment until she realised it was him and her frown disappeared and was replaced with a small smile "Dimitri" she smiled as she looked at him

He wanted her to smile forever, it was a pleasant sight, especially since she hadn't smiled much in the last few days, "I thought you had left" she whispered as she stood up and gestured for him to sit down as she carefully took her hair out of the towel

He shook his head "no I just went to get these" he mumbled as he held the tops and jumpers out to her making her frown reappear again

"And what are these for" she asked the frown very prominent on her face

"You said that your clothes hurt your back, I'm quiet bigger than you so my clothes won't rub against your scar, I brought tops so you can wear them outside and in here, the the jumpers for when you come outside to watch the training, I hope that's okay Milaya" he muttered as he watched the frown fall from her face and slowly get replaced with a smile

"Dimitri that is very kind of you, are you sure I can take them" she asked as she walked over to him, he nodded quickly "yes take them" he whispered as he looked down at her

She smiled and gently took them out of his hands "thank you" she whispered before she placed all but one top on the bed before she rushed into the bathroom.

The smile on her face seemed to make him smile, this woman was breaking him, turning him into a different man, he wasn't a hardass around her and he couldn't seem to figure out if he hated it or loved it.

As she walked out of the bathroom he couldn't help but look at her, the shirt seemed to go down to her knees, the shorts she had on seemingly disappeared under the shirt, her wet hair cascading down her back, he loved the sight, she looked like his.


He couldn't think that way, no matter how strong this woman was he couldn't fall for her, he couldn't, it would cause problems, dhampir and dhampir relations are not allowed, he couldn't give her anything, his money went home to baia to help his mother, he was older than her, six years older, yes she was eighteen. Yes she was old enough to make her own decisions but no, he could not ruin her, he wouldn't.

He hadn't realised how long he had been lost in his thoughts until he hand was on his arm and she was looking up at him with concern shining in her eyes "are you alright" she whispered softly

He nodded a little "I'm fine" he whispered before he sat down, it took her a few minutes but eventually she sat down too.

This time as she sat down he watched her slowly lean all the way back, her back resting against the couch, he expected her to flinch, to wince or cry but no, instead for the first time since he met her she looked relaxed and content, it was in that moment that he realised he would do anything to make this woman feel safe and secure, one day he would know her story, he would know the story of how she got the scar, of how she survived the crash, of how out of the three girls that should have died that day she managed to stay the strongest and when he found out he would devour her in devotion, in pride, love and hope. She deserved it. She had been strong for far too long but with him, she didn't need to be, not anymore. He would be her protector, her friend and her confidant. He would be everything and anything she needed.

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