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"I always dreamed of a solemn face,
Someone who feels like a holiday,
But now I'm in pieces, barely believing,
Starting to think that I've lost all feeling,

You came out the blue on a rainy night, no lie,
I tell you how I almost died, while you're bringing me back to life."


WORD COUNT: 1868. 

Lolled across the couch, Taehyung was scrolling through his mobile's gallery. Viewing the tapes, he and y/n had captured together or some which he had taken stealthily. Films of when they were cooking together with half of the kitchen smeared in flour and cream. Reels of when they were watering the plants jointly but ended up creating their own little downpour with none of their green friends irrigated. Motion pictorials of watching movies mutually or more accurately, planning strategies to steal and hole up the remote so the other is compelled to watch, whatever is playing with tickling being an invariable that followed.

But out of all these the one which gave him incalculable flashes of how much he missed her, how lacking he felt with her not around, was the memory of when they had once sneaked into the school library late at night.


"Tae!!!!! What if we get caught. Let's go back." She whispered.

"No! you scaredy cat. We are going in there and YOU (pointing his forefinger at her) my dear are going to read me a snippet of my favourite book." He tamped down.

Taehyung had everything arranged as if he had planned this all along and that he had. He was prepared from the A to the Z, starting with the ladders to the lattes, he had it all under control. Their first late night library date concealed under the game of truth and dare, challenging the fate of their chances of ever being in a real relationship.

The library was pitch black with the only light making things perceptible was the moonlight. The shaft of light infiltrating through the huge French windows was tittivating the dark archive with its luminosity. The library was quiet all the time but tonight it unraveled a new level of tranquil. It was soothing and nerve relaxing.

They sneaked in from an open window which Taehyung had deviously left ajar when leaving the library that day. Clasping their hands together they immediately made their way to the aisles made due to the library pages. It was basically Taehyung towing y/n all the way to the very book he wanted her to read to him.

"Okay page no. 143 piece 2." He verbalized. (Even the page no. was desperate to convey Taehyung's feelings.)

They seat themselves at a secluded area, though the whole library was ghosted they still chose sitting in a far-off corner. Near a large French window where the moonbeam seeped through perfectly making it unremarkably attractive. Taehyung sat across from her on a small round table. He had got candles to illuminate their table, but he kept them nestled in his bag pack because who goes around carrying candles in their bag pack at 2 in the morning unless you plan it. Placing their freshly grabbed lattes on the table they stared at each other. Their faces shining under the moonlight. It was like as if the white cratered rock in the night sky was also celebrating them being together. 


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