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The said wild card was Jimin, Taehyung's best friend, Jimin knew Taehyung even before the incident that took place twelve years ago. He knew everything about him. So, when Jimin sees Taehyung shutting Y/N off his life, he takes it upon himself and indulges himself. Taehyung had done the same thing to Jimin twelve years ago. And thus, Jimin knew Taehyung wants time alone when he puts up the shutters but it's also when he is feeling detached from everything. It's when he is alone and hurt. It's when he blames himself for something that he starts bolting people off his life.


"So, you are telling me Taehyung himself is suffering and so, is nowhere at fault for making Y/n feel the way she is feeling. Uh...huh... you gotta try harder buddy because, I ain't buying that. Taehyung can go *** for all I care. Nobody gets to hurt my Daisy like that. I've only kept my cool because she likes that do***e b~" Jungkook chewed out.

"That's what I am saying both of them are hopelessly in love with each other. I am not trying to defend him but, he surely is troubled, messed up even. And believe me it's killing him to treat Y/N like this but, that's the way he functions." Jimin tried pointing out.

Jimin continued, "The aftereffects of the incident - which occurred twelve years ago - were deluging him. He was submerging but allowed no one to rescue him. He got sucked into the black hole of dark and void. No one to pull him back again. Somehow, he started piecing himself together for the sake his parents who always wanted him to be happy in. He started working hard, hard enough to not even know the difference between day and night. He ceased trading with the world absolutely. No friends, no hangouts, no school life.

That incident had forced him or rather thoroughly convinced him that if he keeps the people he loves near him, he will end up hurting or harming them eventually. He didn't want to go through the hurt he felt or was still feeling when he lost them. He was still coping. So, he kept people out of his personal bubble. He didn't want to let people know how broken he was. He never let anyone see his real self. Always secluded, aloof and withdrawn from all matters.

Taehyung and I have been the best of friends, but that incident made him shut me out too." Jimin reminisced.



A day after the incident:

Taehyung ignores Jimin's calls and texts. Doesn't let Jimin in his house when he comes to check up on him. Taehyung told Jimin to mind his own business and not to bother him anymore. Jimin understood Taehyung needs time to adapt and accept the situation. So, he kept his distance. Didn't go and talk to him. Never asked him about how he is doing, just kept an eye and followed him everywhere. He wanted to make sure that Taehyung doesn't take any wrong steps or do anything stupid.

But one day, when Jimin wouldn't leave Taehyung alone, Taehyung yelled, "I know why you're not letting me be by myself but believe me, I have no plans of ending my life anytime soon or even giving it away in the hands of slow poison tackles. DO NOT PESTER ME HENCEFORTH. I have cut ties with you. Do you not grasp that???

That day Taehyung came home and cried his heart out. He cried ugly. 

Except his family he only had Jimin

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Except his family he only had Jimin. But he discerned having Jimin around would only make him even more weak – it'll make him slack off – it'll not punish him for his sins because he'll have someone who'll take care of him, pamper him, love him when all he deserved was hatred and detestation.


Jimin continues:

"It was that day and present day that I see no difference. He was so broken and devastated back then and today I painstakingly got a glimpse of Taehyung's past self once again. I don't want him to set out in that direction for the second time. So, I need you to help me.

My happiness had no limits when I saw Taehyung warming up to Y/N. There was finally someone to light up my partner's day. It was like he was stuck in a daze. He had developed a soft cushion only for her from the very first day. She stirred his tangled heart and found her safe corner. She brought him liveliness. She completed him. She was like the anchor, he finally got to hold on to. She was the feeling; he had been craving and longing for yet running away from.

He didn't realize he was being selfish until you showed up. He found nothing off beam in keeping her for himself but, then you made him doubt himself. He understood how you are a better match for her. The flashes of the incident might have hit him as that day is also nearing and thus, he is slowly withdrawing himself from her life before it's too late as he is petrified of hurting her. The attachment, the connection, he feels with her in such a short span of time is haunting him. She proved to be the only one capable enough to pull him out of his dark oblivion, who he loves and trusts unconditionally.

But he knew inside out that he cannot keep her so; he is pushing her to a point that he starts hating himself. He is absolutely aware of the fact that he cannot live without her, but he is too frightened to let his feelings take control whereas she is too watchful of letting any of her acts, hurt him. Both of them think – them maintaining distance from each other would help their situation – but it's only worsening.

So, conclusively, what I mean is – we basically need to play cupids for the stupids. Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah. Definitely dude. Deal. The girl has been going crazy since that day and I'd do anything to get her back to how she was." Jungkook swooped in.


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Okay. You convince your Daisy and I'll persuade T. Let's talk them into confessing to each other." Jimin coached.

"You have my word." Jungkook pledged (Three fingers pointing the sky). 


Hey guys,

First and foremost, apologizing for not being able to post in such a LOOOOOONG time and I am absolutely resentful. I'll try and post according to our previous schedule. Thank you so much for sticking by my side.

I hope you like the chapter. What do you think of the new pact between Tristan and Christian. Will they really play cupids??? Will it work??? Tell me in the comments below! 👇

For those of you who are confused... Let me clear this up for you...
Jungkook is Y/n's (main female lead) best friend while Jimin is Taehyung's (main male lead) best friend.

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The New Girl And The Cold Heartthrob ♥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें