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WORD COUNT: 1426.  

"Tae. I-uhm... I..." She stuttered with her face impersonating a tomato.


She chuckled nervously her fingers twiddling incessantly as she tried to hit his shoulder playfully, failing miserably. Her height sucks.

"You know we had to keep our lie intact because we were still in the café premises. As much as I trust Kookie that he won't let our secret out but there were many other lads who could've eavesdropped on our conversation, tactfully blowing off our cover. You do realize we would have lost our one month of free food. FREE FOOD. And as for Kookie I'll clear things up with him. Don't worry I'll tell him that we nothing more than friends." She cleared out waving at him when they reached her place. He waved back giving a small smile. His resolve came crumbling down when she said he was just a friend no best no nothing.

Taehyung's POV-

Was it really only for food all along? Why is it always food, food and food? Is it a way to hide your feelings or you have nothing for me at all? Do you not love me. Hah. You really don't. What was I even expecting? You to reciprocate my feelings? Silly me, I'll be doomed even if I think about it. 

I don't deserve love

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I don't deserve love. I don't deserve to be cared for. I don't deserve to be held dear. Why would a sweet and innocent girl like you even think about me. I know I am bad at expressing but I am trying but I don't wanna hold you back. I cannot be greedy anymore. I've let myself loose enough, it's time I come in terms with where I belong. You shouldn't be with me. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you. You have got your Kookie. You need no Tae. As much as it breaks my heart, but I know you'll be happy with him. I have seen the way you look at him. How your eyes sparkled when you saw him.

When I first saw you. You made my heartbeat go insane. You made me want to start living my life again. To give myself a chance. You made me wanna be selfish just for once. You made me want to be a reckless havoc. The one who doesn't care what he is doing as long as he gets to have you by his side. I wanted to do life with you. 

You were like the ray of hope which pierced through my hard and ice-cold soul

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You were like the ray of hope which pierced through my hard and ice-cold soul. The beam of bright light which liquefied my walls I had taken forever to build up around me. The wildfire which ignited my locked away soul. You. Just you made me wanna believe that there was still someone who'll mend my broken heart, who'll stitch its pieces together or maybe even repair its ruptures and make it one, skillfully with her love, like the Japanese do with broken vases to make them one with gold ultimately making them even more beautiful. I just wanted to give you the chance. Wanted to handover my heart in hopes that you'll take care of it. I knew I was crossing my boundaries wishing for something I never deserved but just for once I wanted to be greedy.

But maybe I was hoping for too much. I am happy as long as you are. I'll still be by your side but just as a friend like you remarked earlier. Even if it kills me, breaks me, shatters me, or decomposes me little by little, I can bear the pain. I still want to give myself a chance to see the sunshine even if it costs me pain, even if it is looking at you smiling from a distance and not being the reason for it. I want to do it if it is you, I am doing it for.

All the people I ever loved were snatched away from me. I am habituated to people - whom I love - getting snatched away from me. So, I began pushing people out of my life. I have grown rigid to it. It's instilled in my system. My sole and only reason to turning cold to things. To turning and shutting down people in my life. Because I know I'll get too attached and then they'll leave me. All by myself in this scary, cruel world. And after that incident I didn't have it in me to live a comfortable and merry life. All of my dopamine and serotonin had been locked away and buried so deep down that I, myself couldn't find them. I never wanted to until you came along. Why Y/n? Why?


Next Morning -

Y/N's POV -

I woke up to my electronic device ringing or basically blasting my eardrums brutally dragging me out of my Boraland. Groaning, twisting, turning and even going as far as shielding my ears with a pillow in hopes that whoever wanted to die early - with my own bare hands - would give up.

When I saw or technically heard no signs of the intruder shutting up or in the barest have the decency to give a thought to the possibility that if I am not picking up the portable distress, I might be sleeping or I simply might not be interested. People really be losing all of their mental capacity these days.

All my insights and wisdoms telling me to just let the stupid electronic invention keep blowing up but the fatuous thingamajig was turning deafening by the minute. My only able and valiant soldier who sacrificed itself the warmth of my comforter to get the boisterous disruption was my right hand. It stretched and flexed itself out and came back to drop the bother in my death trap proving it's loyalty. I silently woke my eyes up - like a mother does to her child - to make them perceive who in the hell had the audacity to interrupt my beauty sleep.

My eyes literally sprang out of their sockets and so did I. They sparkled with joy, delight and every other emotion you associate with joviality and just as if on cue, my body also jolted awake, and I was sitting uptight with my eyes ready to focus.

It was my valuable comrade whose smile replicated that of a bunny. Yeah, you guessed it correct. It was Kookie who was calling me this early in the morning. I was still mad at him for not meeting me yesterday night. Yeah, yeah, I know he might have been busy while I was just skipping away stones. I know he is leaving or even might be at the airport and was just calling me to let me know that he's leaving and is sorry for not meeting me yesterday night. My common sense was reprimanding me telling me I was being a complete idiot and a stubborn bum for ignoring his calls but who listened to their common sense anyway. He can wait for me, meet me, bid me a proper farewell and then leave. Yeah, I was being greedy and mulish, but I had every right to be. I had met my chum after so long. He cannot just leave like that.

He gave me around twenty-one missed calls until I switched my cell off. Call me pig-headed, obstinate or whatever. I was mad like Mad-Mad right now. Though chocolates or maybe a lot of chocolates can bribe me, but he didn't need to know that.

It was as it is very early for me to wake up but sleeping again would only result in me running late so weighing down all the pros and cons of my setting, I decided it would be for the best if I started getting ready for school. Prioritizing a long, relaxing bubble bath cause I had all the time in the world.


Did it ever cross you that maybe Taehyung had a dark past? if not then surprise, surprise!!

Well, fasten your seatbelts cause you're in for a bumpy ride on the emotional rollercoaster.

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