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WORD COUNT: 1234. 

Y/N was busy tidying up her locker when Tae came and ruffled her hair.

"Hey! Shortie."

"Not my hair please, I have put extra effort to make them look like this." She cried running her fingers through them in a poor attempt to straighten them.

"They still look like a bird's nest." He teased lying.

"At least they don't look electrocuted." She joshed still pouting and trying to fix her hair.

"Ouch! Why would you insult my luscious locks like that?"

"Who started it?" she asked raising an eyebrow and folding her arms over her chest confirming her point to basically declare him stupid

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"Who started it?" she asked raising an eyebrow and folding her arms over her chest confirming her point to basically declare him stupid.

"Okay. We covered that now, Shortie."

"I think we mutually agreed on not calling me shortie." She hmphed.

"Anyways Shortie." He said completely ignoring her.

"What is it called when a short person waves at you?"

"Don't you even dare." She warned.

"It's a microwave." He said smirking and snickering and started running for his life.

"TAE!!!" she yelled and ran after him.

All the others in the corridor stood stunned and watched the commotion in action with different emotions casting their faces.


In the class

Y/N was still like a cat on a hot tin roof with Taehyung.

"Y/Niiieeeeee, I am really sorry. I'll never call you Shortie because you're short. I promise from today on or even better from now on I'll not call you short even though you ARE short." He finished in a mischievous tone.

Y/N just glared, hmphed and turned facing the other side.

Y/N wasn't actually angry, upset or even offended at this point, it just made her feel special, adored, and maybe even cherished because Taehyung was putting in so many efforts. It was like for the first time after she got transferred, someone was really concerned and was putting in efforts to make her feel special, loved and cared for. It was like someone was trying his best to make sure she is okay and maybe never let her face the tiniest of problems. The giddy feeling just didn't wanna leave her. She was like a stupid teenage girl who's overly sensitive. (Though she is actually a teenager 😑). Whose heart drops to the pit of her stomach whenever he did something just because he is a good boy. Any trivial move would spin her into a state of a blushing mess.

She was very well aware how Taehyung was putting in efforts to make her feel homely and comfortable since she first met him as his classmate or better yet the very controversial bench mate. But maybe today she was feeling like a pouty girlfriend whose poor boyfriend was giving his 100% to make her feel jolly.
It was literally like they were dating, and Taehyung was bearing with his upset girlfriend's tantrums.

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