"Market Equities," Beth called out his company name as a greeting and to let him know that she knew exactly who he was.

"Schwartz and Meyer. Bob Schwartz's girl."

"I'm nobody's girl."

"You're somebody's girl," he replied as he turned away from her.

"Okay, lets stop speaking to Billy Joel songs for starters, okay? The sporting club-"

"Jackson Brown," he interrupted her.


"Somebody's girl, Jackson Brown," he corrected her.

"Well my mistake, fucking cheese dick," Beth insulted.

"The sporting club,"


"Good place for an airport."

"It is," he replied as he smugly stared up at her.

"What kind of airport? The kind of airport for you and your buddies' golf streams?," Beth asked.

"Think a little bigger than that."

"How much bigger?"

"Two terminals, fifty-two gates," he replied.

"Why here?,"

"Wind, for one there isn't much, could build northeast of Livingston but too much wind. Lets be honest people don't want to fly and then drive another hour to ski. That's why Big Sky never took off. Largest mountain in America, best snow in this hemisphere and the slopes are empty because of the drive. People are just that goddamn lazy," he explained.

"You secure a forest service lease?," Beth asked.

"I didn't secure anything. I manage a fund that provides their capital, sit on the board and listen to what's happening but I don't control what's happening," he shrugged as he lit a joint, "You on the other hand. Malicious casino owners killing their competition. It's fucking fascinating. The old west, still wild! Not anymore, not when we get here. All that shit stops."

"You think so, do ya?"

"Pretend your family doesn't live here. Pretend you don't know anything about this place. What would your end game be?," he asked.

"I'd turn it into park city," Beth replied.

"Now you're talking. Jenkins was a smart guy but his dreams just weren't big enough. Why dream of building golf courses when you can build cities? And you? Your family is the largest land owner in the valley. You've made Schwartz and Meyer the second largest. Don't play babe in the woods with me, you've been head hunting since Salt Lake."

"I feel ridiculous asking this but I'm just so curious about how your pickle mind works. Have you given any thought at all to the ranchers that live here? What will happen to them?," Beth asked.

"Haven't I? There won't have to be ranchers anymore because they'll all be so fucking rich."

"Good answer," Beth nodded. She now knew exactly what type of person he is. Dangerous.

"My dad told me once, one day the only job left will be fishing because no one has figured out how to own the ocean."

"Yet," Beth added.

"That's right but I'm working on it," he replied.

Beth started to walk away but turned back to tell him: "Bet you are."

"Mind the flowers when you leave!"

"Will do!"

"Oh one more thing!," Beth stopped and turned to look at him.

A Gambling Man // Ryan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now