
Her parents are worried because of her behavior because she is looking upset since she came back to them.

She is sad, and not talking to Siddharth.

In these two days, aunty or uncle didn't heard her talking to Siddharth. Even when vibha aunty ask her twice in a day.

They are worried and feeling that there is something must be wrong between Siddharth and Avneet.

It a morning of third day in her home for Avneet,

Her mom serve breakfast to her and her father.

Avneet : I am not feeling hungry mom, I will have food later. (Said in an upset tone)

Her mom : what happened avneet, you didn't had food last night, now you didn't want to eat anything now? What is wrong with you?

Avneet : nothing mom, I am just feeling low today.

Her dad : you had any fight with Siddharth? (Her father enquire)

Avneet : no dad, why will I fight with him?

Her mom : I hope so, that everything is fine between you and him, because we will never support you in your decision come back to home fighting with your husband and in laws.

Avneet : I know dad.

Her mom : my child, we want your happiness and believe me that your happiness is with your husband in your home only.

Avneet : hmm right mom.

Her mom : so, I think you should talk to Siddharth and ask him to pick you!!

Avneet : I will stay two three more days here mom, yeah if you are not liking me here so tell me clearly. (Said in a disappointed tone)

Her mom : it's your home only my child.

Avneet : I am going to my room, I am feeling tired, I didn't slept last night so talk to you later.

She stood up and went to her room.

Stay tuned

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