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Siddharth is not aware of the reality of luv that's why he is getting rude with Avneet to give him reason to leave him.

Siddharth came out from bathroom, he decided that he will behave rude with her from now onwards.

Here, Avneet clean all the room and remove all the decorations.

His mother came to the room. She is about to knock the door.

Siddharth : not done yet? I told you Avneet that please don't try any experiment with my room can't you get it. (He shouted at her).

This is the first time Siddharth shouted on Avneet.

Siddharth is behaving rude. Now Avneet burst out crying. Before siddharth could calm her down.

His mother walks inside the room.

His mom : Siddharth... (Angrily) what is this behavior to talk to Avneet?

Siddharth : mom. (He feels scared and embarrassed)

Avneet walks to vibha aunty and hugged them crying, she is in the flow of emotions because all what she planned is spoiled.

Siddharth : I was just...

His mom : you know, she prepared all this for you, why are you behaving with her like this. (Angrily)

Siddharth : actually mom...

His mom : shut up.

Aunty cupped her face and calm her down.

Avneet : mumma, it's my mistake I gave him wrong perfume and he is allergic of that. (She tried to control the situation).

His mom : whatever... He have no right to talk to you like this. (Angrily)

Siddharth : sorry mom.

His mom : say sorry to her.

Siddharth : I am sorry avneet.

Avneet : mumma it was my fault, I am so sorry siddharth. (She said crying to try to not make him feel bad)

His mom : avneet, take your night suit and come with me, until he realise your value you will stay with me.

Avneet wanna stay with him to sort, but then she thought that if she stay with him, he will take her sign on divorce papers so she went with aunty.

Siddharth : mom, I am sorry.

His mom didn't talked to him and left his room.

Stay tuned

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