5) Adorable and Awkward

Start from the beginning

"Stop being a smart alec Aris, but fine. It was freezing, and it never stopped snowing. It definitely wasn't hot."

"Lucky shanks,"He muttered.

I looked back at Y/N, and we just shrugged. Being hot sounds better than risking turning blue just by existing. Then again he's only known this weather. He definitely doesn't know the struggle of needing a job just to help people with frostbite.

We stopped at another random building.
Y/N put a finger to her lips and ducked her head through a broken window. We both followed her lead.

It was a struggle to just maneuver our way around everything. I ended up stepping on glass, and if looks could kill Y/N would be a murderer.

Eventually, we came to an old red door. At least, I'm guessing it was once red. It kind of looked more like a burnt orange, but judging by how happy they looked this must be the one.

She gave four fast knocks, three slow ones, and another two fast ones. After a minute what sounded like a dozen locks were heard. Then, a woman opened the door. She eagerly gestured for us inside before getting to me. She just stood there glaring.

"It's alright Ms.Cammie. That's Aris."

At Y/N's words her entire demeanor changed. She grabbed my arm and practically forced me inside. Then, she slammed the door shut and redid what was in fact a dozen locks.

I glanced around. In the background Newt was spinning a little girl by her arms. Y/N was reading to a little boy in the corner. Honestly, I had no idea what to do. Plus, Ms.Cammie was expectantly staring at me.

"I'm Aris,"I reintroduced, holding out my hand. She ignored it and pulled me into a tight hug. What exactly did Y/N tell her to make her like me so much?

"It's so great to finally meet you. You're taller than I imagined. I suppose it's too hot for your hoodie though. Do you like clementines? You look like you like clementines."

Apparently, she told them a lot. Still, I was at a loss for words at the random things she had just thrown at me in five sentences.

"Never mind dear. I'm sure one of you likes clementines."

She walked off to I assume get clementines and left me awkwardly standing there. I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked around a bit more. There was a broken desk flipped upside down in the corner. Beside it was some blankets and random toys. A bunch of canned food and water was hanging on the shelves next to a stack of books.

"Hi. I'm Andrea,"The little girl introduced. Before I could say anything she started rambling. "You're not Y/N's boyfriend. This is Y/N's boyfriend, and he can spin me around too."

She was smiling wide. She was missing one tooth directly in the front. From next to her Newt was red in the face. From behind them was Y/N shaking her head no.

"I'm definitely not her boyfriend. I'm Aris."

Her eyes went huge as she clasped a hand over her mouth. She excitedly jumped up and down while clapping her hands.

"Owen, it's Aris! It's the real Aris!"She exclaimed. Before I could react the little boy ran forward faster than his feet could carry him. They barely went up to my waist as they hugged me. I somewhat managed to hug back. They both had a shockingly strong grip, but Andrea could probably strangle someone her age if she wanted.

"Newt's a better hugger, but that's okay. You're still Y/N's best friend so you're mine too,"Owen said, pulling away.

"No. You can only have one best friend,"Andrea argued.

"You were Y/N and mines best friend so he gets to be mine to."

"What if we're all best friends?"I suggested.

"And Newt?"Andrea asked.

"Yes. Newt too."

Andrea ran back, and I looked at Y/N for any clue of what she was doing. Without a word she tugged on her hand and pulled her back to us.

Andrea wrapped her arms around her brother and essentially started a group hug. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable and sweetest things I've ever had to partake in.

"Alright. If you two want your gifts you have to let us go,"Y/N told them. They looked at her enthusiastically, but it also seemed like this was a daily thing. They just seemed happy to be around her in general.

This news was probably going to break their little hearts.

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