"Then you should stay with one at all times," Ruhaani muttered under her breath looking out of the window.


Ruhaani simply ignored him.

Her day had actually started on quite a good note. First and foremost, she had woken up early and totally fresh, despite sleeping late.

Second, she had spent some quality time with both Mukti and Pari and the guilt from last night was gone.

Finally, the most remarkable one was, Abhi sharing his rebound plan to recover from his heartbreak phase. Something he had sat up late in the night and put together with help from the internet.

Abhi's Rebound Plan was as follows:

1. Be the best version of yourself. Look good and feel good.

2. Don't waste time thinking about the person who broke your heart or is the reason you're in the mess. Ignore the fact that you ever had feelings for them. Or at least try to distract yourself every time you find yourself thinking about them.

3. Date yourself. Part of bouncing back from a breakup is relearning how to be single...again. Being desirable. Being happy with yourself. Don't go chasing another relationship immediately.

4. Social Media timeout. So that you don't end up seeing people happy in relationships and begin to cry over your heartbreak.

5. Go outdoors. Go for a walk. Exercise. Try a feel-good-activity.

Ruhaani wasn't sure if the plan would help Abhi. But she had decided to apply it to herself. She had to stop feeling miserable and this could be the solution to her miseries.

She had taken the time to pull out one of the new dresses from her wardrobe, iron-pressed it and donned it. She had even put nail paint on her fingers matching to her dress, which she hardly did on a regular day. She already felt nice about herself.

She hadn't thought of Aadarsh since the morning, which was an improvement again.

She wasn't on Social Media except some professional networking sites, which she opened once in a month. So she was sorted there.

Now, all she had to do was get back to yoga or dance or both. Perhaps she could join Dai Jaan on her morning walks. The only problem was Dai Jaan went for walks at five forty-five in the mornings, that was too damn early. But it was the only good option, given that they had home duties after that.

"Don't worry, Dr Mahale is a very senior dentist. He's going to fix your tooth problem." Aadarsh spoke when she didn't say anything. It was strange for her to be so quiet. Perhaps she was really scared of dentists.

"It's a Sunday, maybe he won't be there. Plus we don't have an appointment." Ruhaani reasoned. She hated going to dentists. She somehow always returned with more pain than before. Plus all the pain in her jaw muscles for keeping her mouth open for too long. She wasn't going to let Aadarsh know that though.

"I think he practices on Sundays too. There is always room for walk-ins." He answered. He wasn't going to tell her that he had already checked the timings and even booked an appointment under false name for a slot ten minutes from now.

They reached their first destination in the next five minutes. Ruhaani looked up at the stairs and then still up at the banner as they walked to the building. It looked like a good clinic.

"Come on, you don't have to be scared." He spoke, getting a kick out of teasing her

Ruhaani narrowed her eyes at him. "I am not scared."

"Then, come on," he said, his hand reaching out to hold her hand.

Ruhaani felt soft tingles spread on her skin at his touch. Gosh, he was just holding her hand and she felt so good. She remembered the Rebound Plan and casually pulled her hand out of his loose hold. She twisted her arm to her back to hold the other end of her dupatta and began walking up the stairs.

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