Eye Of The Beholder Part 2

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Eye Of The Beholder Part 2


The Dragon riders were struggling against the bars of the cage as the ship tilted to its side, Hiccup trying to pull the door open. Patrick and Downpour were about to head back but heard Dagur laughing, so he turned around, Downpour letting out a screech.

Dagur: isn't this exciting?! What will the newbie choose ladies and gentlemen? Saving his new friends? Or capture his new mortal enemy.

Patrick ignored him and flew Downpour back to the boat. Dagur sighed with the cylinder in hand.

Dagur: hm, disappointing, but oh so typically dragon rider.


Patrick landed on top of the cage with Downpour. Hiccup was trying to force the door to the cage open.

Hiccup: Move back from the door! Toothless, Plasma blast.

Toothless fired a purple blast at the door to no effect.

Fishlegs: dragon proof bars? Oh, how fascinating.

Hiccup: whoever built this ship knew what they were doing.

Snotlout: (the ship rocked) you know what would be more fascinating? (Fishlegs bumped into Snotlout) Getting us out of here.

Patrick: agreed. Downpour!

Patrick and Downpour tried to open the cage from the top, while Toothless fired plasma.

Patrick suddenly heard hissing and a massive eel jumped on top of the cage only to be blasted back by Toothless.

Snotlout: why'd it have to be eels?

Three more eels were right below them.

Patrick: Downpour, lightning blast!

Downpour roared and shot lightning from his mouth at the eels causing them to disperse temporarily, only for them to come back. Hiccup kept trying to open the door, but the ship tilted too far.

Snotlout: Hookfang, Help us! I'm important!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Ruffnut: Barf, Belch, get your butts over here!

Patrick: Get ready to catch them Downpour.

All the riders suddenly fell through the cage and held on the the door, as all the rider's dragon showed up and caught them.

They all regrouped in the air.

Fishlegs: that was way too close.

Patrick: agreed.

Asrid: Hiccup, what are we doing?

Hiccup: you guys go back to Berk. I'm going after Dagur. Whatever that cylinder thing is, I know one thing for sure: it shouldn't be with him.

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