Chapter 1 Married

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    Some dilapidated tile-roofed houses have festive stickers on the doors.

    The people coming and going at the door cheered: "The bride is here~"

    Wen Xin sat on a tractor and was sent to the door of Lu's house unsteadily.

    She had a red hijab on her head and an ill-fitting wedding dress, and she was delivered in a hurry and simply.

    The original parents forced her to marry the fourth son of the Lu family, Lu Yao.

    And girls who already have someone they like are not willing to marry someone they don't like. I heard that since Lu Yao failed the college entrance examination this year, his personality has been volatile, which frightened many girls who came to please him.

    Of course she has heard of it.

    But even if his personality became bad, he was still the first high school student in their village with the highest diploma. After failing the exam, the Lu family didn't know what to think, and suddenly planned to marry their son.

    Many people fought over their heads and wanted to marry in, all because they wanted Lu Yao to have a high school diploma at least so that he could find a decent job in the future, instead of staying in the countryside farming like others.

    The Wen family got the priority right because of the good relationship between the two old people.

    The parents of the Wen family thought that it would be better for their daughter to marry into the Lu family than to marry a farmer with his face facing the loess and his back facing the sky, so they decided on this marriage regardless of her wishes.

    The Wen family was too poor to produce anything good. Even their daughter's wedding dress was borrowed.

    Wen Xin's clothes are naturally not suitable.

    She is twenty years old, and Lu Yao is older than her.

    The children in the village study late, and Wen Xin dropped out of school just after primary school because her family could not afford the school fees.

    And Lu Yao's grades were good, he got the first place in the town in the senior high school entrance examination, and was directly sent to a key high school free of tuition.

    At the beginning, everyone treated him like a genius, but he failed the college entrance examination for two consecutive years.

    People study early, and went to college at the age of eighteen smoothly.

    But now that he is twenty-one, he still failed the exam, which inevitably made the school and the village feel a little ashamed.

    It's hard to say anything in front of him.

    People in the village get married early, and other people's children are several years old at this age.

    My son doesn't even have a girlfriend.

    Since they didn't pass the college entrance examination, they didn't force it, thinking that it would be serious to marry a wife first.

    So there was a scene where Wen Xin married.

    But no one knew that the original owner of this body committed suicide by secretly drinking rat poison two days ago.

    When she woke up again, it was her in another world.

    The two had the same name and surname, and Wen Xin was a little surprised by the coincidence.

    In my previous life, I had a plane crash and thought that I was going to die.

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