Chapter 22 - Dangerous? I'm in

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The main block of the conformatorium was a huge area to cover, nevertheless, we started to peek into the cells to check who is in them. After only 15 minutes we noticed a familiar creature sitting in the corner of its cell/

"King, is that you?" I asked.

"Depends who is asking."

"It's Willow and Gus, we are here to rescue you." When he heard that he ran to the cell door to greet us.

"Oh Titan, it's so good to see you here, where are Luz, Eda, and..."

"Hey, hold on, firstly let's get you out of here, then we can talk." Gus interrupted him.

"Sure." King responded and snuck in between the bars exiting his cell effortlessly.

"You could have escaped this whole time?!" Gus asked surprised.

"Duh, but it would be pointless to leave my cell if I can't escape the building."

"Makes sense..."

"Anyway, King, do you know where is Hooty?"

"In the 'dangerous demons' section of the building. Can you believe they moved me out of there?! Such disrespect... unbelievable." King answered my question.

"Well, then that's our next destination."

"Do we really have to rescue this lousy owl, he was unbearable when we were locked together."

"Yes, we have to." I said.

King guided us through the corridors of the conformatorium, we went down to the basement and soon reached the section we were looking for. In front of the entrance, there were two guards, we slowly approached them, walking behind King.

"Stop, what are you doing with this prisoner?" one of the guards asked.

For once, I had an idea of how to handle this situation; "The Capitan ordered us to transfer him here."

"Fine, show us the transfer papers."

Shit, I had no idea we needed something like this, luckily, I had Gus by my side.

"Come on guys, Captain isn't in a good mood today and forgot about the paperwork. If you want to bother him go on then, I'm certainly not going back there." The guards looked at each other and let us in.

"Now that I think about that, we can handle the paperwork later." One of the scouts said while we were passing through the gate. Now we only had to locate Hooty. I have to admit, it's going smoother than I would have expected. There are almost no security checks here.

Locating the right cell wasn't a problem considering how talkative Hooty is. This time he was having a heartfelt conversation with a wall. Despite him being fully immersed in the discussion we had to break it, much to his dissatisfaction. Getting him out of the cell won't be as easy as it was with King. Here everything was magically reinforced to prevent demons from escaping. I think I can destroy those barriers but it will create a lot of noise and bring us unwanted attention. Sadly, there seemed to be no other way to do it, so I drew a spell circle and began to attack the bars with plants.

Honestly, I underestimated the amount of noise my attacks will create. It felt like the whole building was vibrating and I could already hear some commotion outside of the block. Considering Luz's escapades it's the second time they have a case of a break-in and break-out in a span of a few days. Our blockade on the gate to the block won't last long, I took a deep breath, and with a powerful strike, I finally freed Hooty. He was held in some kind of a weird box, so I ordered Gus to pick it up and we proceeded with our escape plan. We got as far away as possible from all entrances to the block, while blocking every corridor with tons of plants. Now it was time to break a hole in the wall, a true test for my magic.

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