44 ∞ Into the Gale

60 11 0

Day 00007 Mission Nilex

All Ahmid could see were a pair of small posts, bright golden, standing alone in the center of the huge black room.

"Interface?" he echoed.

"Yes," said the Captain.

Ahmid glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Ayla on the transport plate moving between them. He hadn't let go of her shoulder since they'd entered the chamber, and kept sending her his loving support. But he'd felt no response, no stirring from the depths of her essence. He gathered the hope the Captain had given him and sent it to her as healing energy, You will complete the Journey, dear Ayla.

When Ahmid looked up again, they still had a distance to go. The gold metal poles up ahead were each topped by a globe. It was difficult to judge their size in this featureless space, but as they approached, it became apparent. The posts were waist-high, spaced far enough apart for a man to stand between them with hands resting atop the globes.

"I don't understand, Captain," said Ahmid. "What does this have to do with nanos?"

"Canaisis needs to be able to see Ayla's every atom, Ahmid. Every electron, proton, and neutron, their orbits, spin, and rotation. She needs to see all the way down to the particles that make up those electrons, protons, and neutrons. She'll pull from the dimensions above and below us and craft her nanos before bonding them to Ayla's being.

"One of the reasons for my accepting these nanos is that they'll allow my mind to handle the load of interfacing with this ship. Canaisis did not want to have to fear for my well-being if something were to happen to her. This is why We know it will allow Ayla to be able to handle the mental strain she's going through."

They'd arrived at the only two objects in the room, the gold poles. The floor rolled back between the poles, and an acceleration couch rose to a height that would allow a person on it to reach out and grasp the globes.

Halting, the Captain gave Ahmid a nod across the transport plate, and Ahmid squeezed Ayla's hand one last time before stepping back.

The Captain lifted Ayla from the plate and gently set her into the couch. He straightened her legs as the transport plate floated away toward the exit. Ahmid watched the Captain buckle the harness around Ayla before resting a hand against her cheek.

"It's important that contact be maintained." The Captain spoke without looking up from her face.

He lifted Ayla's right hand and rested it on the globe atop the pole. Stepping around to the other side, he did the same for her left. Then he positioned himself behind Ayla's head and met Ahmid's gaze.

"This is where you must leave, Ahmid. I have to stay to make sure Ayla stays in contact."

The Captain looked up, and Ahmid followed his gaze to see the black roof high above switch to nothing. All the stars of the Universe shone down upon them and reflected from the black, mirrored floor. Suddenly, Ahmid felt like the three of them were floating alone in the vastness of the Universe, completely deprived of all other senses.

"You're going to want to leave in a moment, Ahmid." The Captain had one hand resting on Ayla's hand on the globe-topped pole. "It's best if you wait outside. Don't worry—Ayla is going to be alright."

Ahmid looked down at Ayla, then stepped up to her and kissed her cheek. When he stepped back and turned his gaze to the Captain, he noticed a mist-like, golden aura surrounding the Captain.

"One more thing, Ahmid. Be sure to exit this room before the door closes. And whatever you do, don't try to enter until this is done."

The golden aura flowed down from the Captain's hand and swept over Ayla. Backing away, Ahmid felt his hair stir as if by a breeze. He looked up and around but saw nothing except the stars above and below.

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