5 ∞ Brief Tour

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Day 00001 Mission Nilex

«They what? You didn't show them the door to the locker rooms?»

«No, Captain. One called Gibran referred to me as a stupid machine. I didn't feel like telling them since they didn't ask.» Her voice conveyed annoyance.

«Alright. It's not fair to make the whole group suffer because of one individual, but I can't say I blame you,» he thought back.

With one last wistful look at the engine, he turned away to the door and unlocked the latches. He stepped through, secured the door behind him, and strolled to the shaft. Stepping in, he thought, «I'll need you to point out this Gibran to me when I get there, Canaisis. He'll be the first one into cold sleep.»

«My pleasure, Captain. The Human interaction will do you good, I think.»

He didn't look down as he started moving down the shaft—he found it better that way. Stopping at the hangar level, he stepped into the corridor again and walked briskly to Hangar 2. The boatswain whistle sounded across the huge space and Canaisis announced, "Captain on deck!"

Immediately the group of over two thousand turned and started flowing out from between the various equipment and containers. The first to come out dropped to their knees, the ones behind stepping forward and dropping down as well. Like a silent wave of Human beings, they flowed out and kneeled. Gareth found it unsettling as he crossed the open floor. From the doorway to the shuttle hangar, others came, and one man ran flat out toward him. It was Ahmid, Gareth noted as he slowed his pace to a stop. He was suddenly very conscious of his sidearm hanging from his belt.

Ahmid halted midway and turned to the group. As the remainder of the people took their places, Ahmid waited. Then he turned to Gareth and bowed low.

"Greetings once again, Captain Levant."

"Leader Ahmid, we depart in less than twenty hours. How are your preparations coming?"

Ahmid gulped then spoke. "They will be completed on time, Captain. We, the Nilex Corporation, will not let you down or cause any delays."

Gareth looked at Ahmid, but it was hard to get a read on his expression through his beard. His eyes seemed to express sincerity.

"Very good. I have an offer from First Citizen Yonshue. He wishes me to deliver five seed pods before I deliver you to New Jordan. He realizes this will cause a delay and has offered an extension of 133 percent of the amount of the delay. I don't expect you to have an answer right now, but you must decide before we leave the Sol system."

Ahmid's eyes narrowed as he thought. "I see, Captain. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

"The choice is yours, Leader Ahmid. First Citizen Yonshue made it very clear what it is the People want, but 'this is Canaisis and we sail as we will'," Gareth stated flatly.

"The People desire this? It's best if we serve the People then, Captain," Ahmid said lowering his head.

Gareth pondered Ahmid's tone of voice and body language. Something was off, he could tell. There was more going on here than what was on the surface. He needed time to get to the bottom of it.

Ahmid spoke again. "Please convey to First Citizen Yonshue that we're happy to serve but that we are at your discretion, Captain. We sail as you will it."

Gareth looked sharply at Ahmid. It was not clear what the man meant with his eyes downcast. His angular Arabic—at least that's how Gareth thought of them—features gave him no clue. And after all these centuries, it would be a mistake to judge by his old standards.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now