"Yes my little hatchling, I can see you like the big dragon. Maybe when you are older, your uncle will let you ride Vhagar with him." Rhaenyra kissed her daughter's forehead and caressed her face. Then she looked at him. "I can't believe you got her to say it. Daemon will have a fit when he finds out she said the word for you before him."

"I know" Aemond's relationship with his sister had gotten a bit better in the past fortnight. He would not say they were friends, but at least they were talking to each other. On the other hand, his relationship with his uncle was a bit more complicated. Both of them seem to be having a competition to see who Deirys loved the most. His mother hated it, but both his father and sister loved it and found it hilarious. "I believe I'm winning. He cannot stand the fact that Deirys prefers me over him."

"Do not take it personally, Daemon hates when his daughter's attention is on anyone but him. Even I have trouble getting time with her sometimes." Rhaenyra was cleaning Deirys's face and attempting to keep her still long enough to finish the task. "I believe your mother was looking for you earlier. Helaena wanted to collect some bugs and Alicent wanted you to accompany her."

"Why not send Aegon? He is her betrothed after all. They should be spending time together before the ceremony."

"I do not think anyone wants to spend any time with our brother. He is not the best company to be around. Especially now, he is in his cups already. He could barely stand up, much less accompany Helaena anywhere." Deirys squealed once she was finally set free by her mother. She waddled towards Aemond as fast as she could and laughed when he picked her up and threw her in the air, before catching her once more. "Do not worry, I accompanied our sister and took her to the best spots to collect her bugs. She was very happy once I left her in her chambers. I just wanted to make you aware your mother was looking for you. After all, the queen gets upset when her children do not do as she wants."

Aemond walked out of the cave with Deirys in his arms. He was aware Rhaenyra was following him. He did not understand what had happened, but his sister seemed to be acting warmer toward them lately. Well, at least towards him and Helaena. Aegon was not easy to get along with, not even Aemond wanted to spend time with his brother. He also appreciated the fact that Rhaenyra trusted him enough to allow him to be alone with his niece and to go on walks with her. They always had someone from the Kingsguard follow them, but that was normal for all of them. After all, they were the royal family.

His mother got more upset the closer he got to his sister and uncle. What she hated the most was his love for his niece. She had spent days yelling at him for spending time with the little girl. She kept saying something about how the Targaryen family had queer customs. Something he found hilarious since she was forcing her daughter and her oldest son to marry each other. He was upset that she believed he had some nefarious intentions towards Deirys. She was just a little girl. He loved her because she was innocent and sweet. When he had lost his eye most people in Kings Landings looked at him differently. Some looked at him with pity, others with revulsion. Even his mother would not look at him without his eye patch. Once his face had healed, she avoided looking at his eye as much as she could. There were even some children that had turned away from him in fear. He liked that Deirys did not look at him like that. Even though she was a small child, she had been drawn to him, just like he was drawn to her. She would pat his face and smile at him. It was like the gods knew he needed someone to love him unconditionally, so they sent him his little princess. It did not matter how much his mother yelled, he was not going to stop spending time with his niece just because she had some vendetta against his sister.

"Aemond!" Rhaenyra's voice was not particularly loud, but it was the fear in it that made him stop and look back at her. There was terror on her face "Do not make any sudden movements. Stand very still and call for Vhagar."

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