"We were supposed to, but when I attempted to leave with Aemond Deirys started screaming and crying. Aemond refused to leave her like that. So, I decided we would wait until you returned from your walk. Maybe you can entertain her while we go dragon riding."

"Aemond" Rhaenyra waited while her brother picked up Deirys and turned towards her. She smiled gently at him "How about I keep an eye on Deirys while you and our uncle go dragon riding? I bet you are anxious to see Vhagar again."

Her brother nodded and approached her. Rhaenyra extended her arms, but her daughter borrowed deeper into Aemond's arms. Apparently, this would be harder than she believed at first.

"Little hatchling. How about you play with muña for a little while."

"No, Mother." Deirys wrapped her little arms around Aemond's neck and shook her head "Kepus."

"Well, I can see that we have been replaced in your affections little hatchling" Rhaenyra resisted the urge to laugh at the look on her husband's face. Deirys had started speaking around ten months old. She did not know many words. In fact, she only knew the words no, yes, muña, and kepa. Apparently, she had added the kepus to her limited vocabulary. Rhaenyra took Deirys in her arms and made soothing sounds when her little girl's face scrunched up like she was about to start crying. "Do not cry little hatchling. I promise your uncle will be back before you know it. Maybe we can convince him and your aunt to have supper with us."

She had signaled Daemon and Aemond so they could leave while she was keeping her daughter occupied. The last thing she needed was a full-blown meltdown in the middle of the beach. Rhaenyra could see how Aemond kept looking back every few seconds like he was afraid something would happen to Deirys if he was not near her. She believed it was cute how they had taken a liking to each other. Aemond had only seen Deirys once before, two days after she had given birth. He had never returned to her chambers after that. They had left for Dragonstone three weeks after she had given birth.


Aemond had been very excited about going dragon riding with his uncle. He never thought he would be able to claim a dragon. His mother barely let his brother Aegon see his dragon and Helaena was more interested in her bugs than her dragon. But Aemond had always felt empty like something was missing. As soon as he was bonded with Vhagar everything had made sense. It was like he could feel how their souls had bonded. He was finally at peace with himself. The only other time he had felt that way was when he was in the presence of his small niece.

His mother had been telling him for years how his sister Rhaenyra was cursed. She said Rhaenyra was a godless woman who only wanted power. She would kill them all as soon as she ascended the throne. His mother said that Rhaenyra was the reason his father did not love him and his other siblings. He had heard his mother talking to his grandsire Otto, and he knew they both hated Rhaenyra. For a while, he had hated her too. He kept thinking about how everything would be better if she did not exist. She was the one that had taken everything from him. If she were dead then Aegon would be heir and his mother would be happier. According to his grandfather if Rhaenyra were dead the entire kingdom would be safer for it. Aemond did not understand how. Aegon would be a terrible king. He was always drunk and attacking the maids. If he were king, they would not last a sennight. But then he realized that the reason they wanted Aegon on the throne was not so he would actually rule, but his mother and grandfather would rule in his place.

Aemond loved his brother, but he was not blind to his faults. It was ironic how he was the one missing an eye, but the only one who saw things clearly. Even when he lost his eye, his mother and grandsire had said it was all because of Rhaenyra. Aemond knew that was not the truth. The man that had taken his eye had been very clear about his intentions and why Aemond would be the one paying for his grandsire's crimes. For once he thought his mother would get justice for him. After all, she had always claimed that she was the only one that loved and worried about her children. Then, she had too betrayed him. She had sided with his grandsire to make everyone believe that what had happened to him was Rhaenyra's fault. He had been hurt and in a way he still was, but he loved his mother and he would not abandon her.

That was the reason he had not told her he would be going dragon riding with his uncle Daemon. If there was one person that she hated more than Rhaenyra, that was Daemon. She thought he was a demon and would bring about their destruction. But his uncle was the greatest warrior in Westeros, even better than Ser Criston Cole. And he rode the mighty Caraxes. He had been to war and defeated his enemies with dragon fire. He was everything a Targaryen prince should be. Aemond wanted to be like him in many ways and now he could. He was now the rider of Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world. He would be a great warrior one day. His mother had made it clear he was not allowed to learn how to speak Valyrian. She called it a savage language and said he had no need to learn it. Why could she not understand that it was part of his heritage? If she hated house Targaryen so much, then why had she married into their house? Why could she not try to understand her children? Aemond had been made to hide just to be able to learn something that was his by right.

"What are you thinking so loud about?" Aemond was startled and looked at his uncle. They had stopped at a small island between Dragonstone and Driftmark. Both dragons were lazing around and they had been sitting looking at the water. Daemon had not said anything since they had sat down. That had been an hour ago, which is why he was surprised his uncle was talking to him now "You were leagues away. Is something bothering you?"

"Like you care what bothers me. I have not seen you in over a year and before that, I did not even know your face. Only heard talk about you. You do not have to pretend. I know you do not like me and my siblings. You only care for Rhaenyra."

"I might be a cold-hearted bastard, but you are my blood. We have all made mistakes. I do not pretend to be your best friend, but we are kin, you are the blood of the dragon. So, you can tell me what is bothering you, I might be able to help."

"I was just thinking about my mother. When she discovered I had bonded with Vhagar I expected her to be happy. Maybe she would be proud of me. But all I could see was the fear in her eyes. She is now afraid of me."

"She is not afraid of you, she is afraid of the power you now hold." Daemon put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, making him look at him "She is your mother, but she is not of our blood. She cannot understand the bond between a dragon and her rider. She will never understand the freedom that comes from soaring through the air and the power you now yield."

"She would not let me learn to speak Valyrian. I had to hide and learn from the books in the library. She said it was the language of savages. I would steal books from the library and hide them in my room. I thought myself as best I could. But when I heard you talking to my sister the other night I could tell I still do not speak it very well."

"Aemond" This time Daemon stood up and dragged him up with him. He put a hand under his chin and made sure their eyes met. "I might not be the greatest uncle or the most caring man, but I'm going to tell you something and I want you to listen. You are the blood of Old Valyria, a Targaryen, you ride the largest dragon in the world. You are a prince of the blood. You do not have to ask permission to learn of your heritage. If you want to learn to speak Valyrian then you do it. If you want to travel to Essos, Pentos, or Volantis, then you do it. You do not let other people direct your life. Tell me you understand"

Aemond looked away from his uncle and nodded his head. He did not want his uncle to see the tears in his eyes. After all, men were not supposed to cry, much less a prince. They walked back to their dragons. Once they were both secure in their saddles. Daemon looked at him once more.

"Rhaenyra and I will be traveling to Kings Landings with all of you once you leave. I will teach you how to speak Valyrian properly" Before Aemond could say anything his uncle looked away from him "Sōvegon Caraxes."

"Sōvegon Vhagar."

Both dragons took off and Aemond could feel himself smiling once more. This was the first time in his life he had smiled so much. For all his mother and grandsire's talk, he had to admit he liked Dragonstone. He might even be starting to like his sister and uncle. And his little niece was the most amazing child he had ever seen. He loved how bright she was and how happy. He could see how loved she was by her parents. He wished he knew what that felt like, at least once in his life.

The New Dragon Ageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें