"Mind if we try?" Waylon asked so I moved off the step and they walked up to hopefully be let in. I listened to see what was said, to see how my kid is doing and I think Liam was doing the same.

"Ryker, it's Sean and Waylon, mind if we come in and talk?" Sean asked and a few seconds later the door opened and I heard Ryker sigh and then the door closed.

"At least he let someone in." Grandpa said and I nodded, feeling like crap.

"Yea, just not me." I looked up the steps to the closed door and felt like I would never be let in, in the apartment or in my kids' life.

"Not right now but you are here and that is the most important thing. He sees you're here, he knows you aren't going anywhere and right now, he doesn't need you. He needs to face this his way until the reality of their deaths sinks in and when it does, that is when he will need you." Grandpa put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I held his hand and sighed looking at him.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the Walker family?" A man walked up to us and he was young, around my son's age, a bit shorter but lean with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" Grandpa asked and the man looked like he was upset and so I had him sit down at the closest table by the steps so in case I'm needed I can be there in seconds.

"I'm the man who was on the same road the day of the accident. I don't know the outcome of the people in the vehicle since I'm not family but I did find out who it was and wanted to see how they were doing. My name is Bradford." He shook our hands and I told him my name and so did grandpa.

"First I want to thank you, I heard about you doing all you could for them and we truly appreciate your help and everyone else who was there. Unfortunately, they didn't make it." I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking of life without Brent and I hated it.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Is there anything you need?"

"I just need my son to come out of that apartment so we can take care of the bodies. He's locked himself in there now for almost three days and he refuses to come out. He hasn't eaten much either. The basics right now but he doesn't know you, he probably won't talk to you or let you in." I said truthfully and the man sighed softly with a distant look in his eyes.

"I lost my parents when I was young so I understand more than you know and I may be able to help more than most of those that are here. Unless someone else lost a parent then I'm your best bet. I don't mean to sound so stuck up but your son needs someone who truly understands what he's feeling. I'll leave if you want me to though, it's up to you."

"Nothing is up to him." I heard Rykers voice and sighed. A local teen walked up the steps with a bag and handed it to Ryker as Bradford got up and he went up to the apartment.

"Maybe this will turn out to be a blessing and Ryker will finally let us help him." Grandpa said and I sighed running my hand through my hair and shook my head.

"I certainly hope so." I looked around and wondered what was going to happen to the café, to the safe haven people all knew and loved.

"Do you think Ryker will keep the café open?"

"I don't know. He has a very demanding job and lives two hours away so unless he has someone he truly trusts to run it, he may close it. This place was Brent's dream and now that he's gone, Ryker won't let just anyone take over." Julian said from behind me, no idea he showed up yet.

"You're right but it being his father's dream, it's the last thing Brent ever owned and has made it such a success and place for all who are welcome so Ryker may keep it open to let Brent's legacy live on or close it even because it's too painful to keep open. We can only ask what his plans are. He's a grown adult who can make his own choices. You all may be mad or upset with us for helping bring his family here but it wasn't up to you. That is Rykers family, what he says goes and I'll make sure whatever he wants, he gets." Kaiden said and I kinda shivered with the pointed look he was giving almost everyone here.

Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt