evolto(and friends) in.......honkai?!(pt.5)

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It a cold night as evolto is seen outside

Evolto/me:..."it been 3 weeks....huh time flys..."...hmm? Mei? What are you doing out so late?

Mei:I sometime come here to star gaze....what are you doing out here brandon?

Evolto/me:still calling me by that name?


Evolto/me:Nah it fine....been awhile since I been called by my old name....as for your question....I sometimes go at night to clear my head....and try to.....get rid of some bad memories (chuckles)

Mei:bad memories?....

Evolto/me:(hums in agreement) yeah....but not in the way you think


Evolto/me:I did some things I'm not proud of....but I have come and learn to accept them....you can't run from your pain....you can only March towards it and accept that it apart of you...do you wounder why I always wear long sleeve clothes?

Mei:now that you said that, I do

Evolto/me:well here why

Mei:!!t-those are...

Evolto/me:yup....a boat load of scars...small yes....but each one has it meaning....Over the years I been shot, stabbed, burned electrocuted and ect.....but these (shows wrist scars) these are the most prominent ones and are one of few visible ones....the rest which are few are right here(point at center of chest)

Mei:....what battles did you go through to suffer these?(worried)

Evolto/me:I'll give a hint.....war..


Evolto/me:wars that will break your heart.....tempest was there too.....we.....we weren't always acting the way we are now....we suffered alot....*sigh*

Mei:but tempest seem so kindhearted to go through what you just said

Evolto/me:believe me he did, I seen him get angry to the point it will make you think he a different person....he may seem all cheery and such...but he gone through shit....but enough of that...tell me how wendy doing with the new gear?

Mei:! She doing well, she still having some trouble walking....but she getting there

Evolto/me:ah that nice so when are we going to face cocolia?

Mei:himeko said in the morning is when we go after her

Evolto/me:hmm alright...welp I'm off to bed see you in the morning....try not to stay up to late Kay?


(Hot= herrscher of thunder)
Hot:even now his aura is unique....it similar to hers....but it even stronger.....

Mei:....I still don't believe in what you said about him....he is human...

Hot:I said he not fully "human" yes he is human....but not fully....there something different about him....my instinct were telling me to get you away from him 3 weeks ago...when we felt that shockwave....even when he was mad.....he was hiding his power....

Mei:.....no more talking....please...

(The day later in the afternoon)

Himeko:...and this is where she is located

Tempest:I see, so how should we approach this?

Himeko:fast and hard and if we time it just right....we will be able to stop her mecha...."brandon....or evo as tempest and blake call him was able to get Surveillance and her location a week ago....he went in and was able to get image and some of the blueprints while in stealth mode"

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