evolto(and friends) in......kill la kill?!(pt.7)

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(Yes I'm back at Long last! Thank you all for being patience with me during my short break! And as a reward!....here the next new chapter! Enjoy!)

(We see ryuko with her blade out pointed at Mikisugi as the group is seen behind her with evolto fiddling with one of rider bottles, Crimson is seen merely reading a book, shifter is seen fast asleep while Ryan is looking around the room as tempest is seemingly the only one listening in to the conversation)

Mikisugi:easy! Don't do anything hasty

Ryuko:I'm getting the feelin' I'm being played here, so why don't you tell me what the deal is with you and mr.mohawk?!

Mikisugi:I don't know what your talking about

Ryuko:you totally know and I got proof!

(She soon pulls a picture showing the two of them at a restaurant and at the right bottom of the picture is evolto logo)

Ryuko:see? Who's that? Oh snap! It you and mr.mohawk!

Mikisugi:w-where did you get that?

(Evolto soon put the fullbottle away and walks up towards them)

Evolto/me:did you really think I'd let you scot free? Oh teach?

(Evolto merely hums to this then says)

Evolto/me:you should know....I got eyes everywhere

(As he says this a Miniature robotic cobra Slithers through the window and climbs up toward evolto shoulder as he scratches it chin as it coos to it)

Evolto/me:better tell her otherwise things won't end well

(Evolto goes and sits back on the couch)

Ryuko:as I was saying, I'm giving you five seconds to tell me what the hell you guys are up to, or else!

(Mikisugi groans to this....then flicks his hair back, taking his glasses off in the process)

Mikisugi:the plan was to make the bond between you and senketsu even stronger


Tempest:the bullshit, your just trying to salvage the fact that one of your guys went semi Rouge and was infact going to destroy senketsu

(Tempest deadpans as he says this)

Mikisugi:.....he is tsumugu Kinagase and yes, the two of us are working together,you stood up to him like a champ, and now you and senketsu are true partners!


(Evolto has his transteam pistol pointed at Mikisugi head as he was just about to take his button shirt off)

Evolto/me:need I mind to remind you of what I said?...no stripping! "Seriously! He a fucking adult and she a teenager! What the fuck?!"

Mikisugi:now that satsuki kiryuin has a kamui, we thought the best way to get you ready for her was to put you through the test

(Evolto push Mikisugi into the ground and holds in his arm into place)

Evolto/me:by fucking placing landmines all over the danm place?! Especially if they have color dye In it?! And what ever dye you guys used was a danm pain to remove! It took me 3 hours to remove that shit off of tabe!

Tabe:"not that I minded...it felt like a nice spaw for clothes, it felt heavenly~"

Ryuko:so after all that double-talking and nipple flashin' you were lying to me!

Mikisugi: (muffled due to the but of ryuko blade is pressured on his cheek) uh-huh

Ryuko:I fricking knew it! That basterd was tryin' really hard to kill senketsu!

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