🎃Jackolyn's surprise!🎃

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Oozie pov

"Ben you and Sam are in charge of getting her occupied until we say to come back. Now let's separate, before she comes in here, your sure your alright with this? I mean it's your birthday too." Sam shakes his head"I'm fine dude, really, we can celebrate mine after, I know what you have planned." And that exact moment, the birthday girl walks in. She stops and looks at us questionably "what are you guys doing?" She sits her stuff down and walks over, Ben hide the papers for her party in his drawer. "Are those the papers for the next vks? She leans over, everyone screams out no. She looks at us taken back and turns to Ben. "Well since I'm not needed, I'm going to go lay down, transformation is happening soon." She turns to her brother "Sam care to join me?" He nods kissing his girlfriends head as they walk out.

"So that's taken care of.." my phone rings, I saw it was the person making my gift for Jackie. "Hello?" I huff "what do you mean there's no more red balloons?! I put this order in weeks ago!" Everyone turns to me "yeah I can do pink, thanks." I sigh "everything ok?" Mal and evie asks me , I nod "everything will be perfect. And when they transform, we have to remember not to be scared, besides it's only for one night or whenever they go to Halloween town." Everyone nods and walks their deprecate ways to get the party prepared. Ben smiles at me "you ready bro?" I smile "yeah I am."

Jackolyn pov

"Bro can you believe it's our birthday!? Our sixteenth to be exact!" As soon as I land on my bed I felt my transformation. "Jackie?" I sit up looking at my brother "do you think they will be scared of us?" My brother laughs making his skeletal body move . "No I don't think that they will, besides it Halloween!" He laughs spookily "how about we go have some Halloween fun around Auradon?" I smirk "sounds like a plan to me."

I change into my red dress and walk out with my brother. He looks me up and down and and my hand, "you look hot sis! Of course your motto on our birthday is to always look your best!" I was hit with another transformation making most of my energy leave. I look at my brother in his skeletal form, I keep changing back from doll to skeleton. "I guess that's the perks of being a boy." He chuckles "I've never seen this before, but I guess it's kinda like puberty, except this is in the spirit of Halloween town." I narrow my now changed dark black holes at him.

I hear a laugh behind me and turn to see my family "hi!" I crouch down and give the three skeletal boys a hug. My mother and father who were transformed in their doll and Skelton look at me. "You look beautiful dear." My mother kisses my forehead "thanks momma" I hear a familiar grumble "grandpa!" He looks to me with a smile "Jackolyn!" I run to his wheel chair and give him a hug. "Oh my sweet nightmare, you've grown up into a beautiful young lady!" I smile "thanks grandpa"

My family and I sat in my room talking the whole time. There was a knock on my door,  I change back into my skeleton "yes?" Ben says  "oh!" giving me a frighten look "sorry, I was expecting the doll look." I laugh "well it's having a hard decision on picking one today." His eyebrow arches "that sucks, do you have enough energy for the next part of your birthday?" I give him a questionable look "but no one remembered that it was our birthday." He chuckles holding out his arm "may I have the honor to escort you, my royal advisor to the next part." I nod taking his arm, my family follows behind us. I look up at him and change into the doll, I groan.

He stops and says "if this is too much today, we can pause all activities." I shake my head and grab his hand "I'm not letting this transformation take our day away." I hear my dad sigh "sweetie, we aren't trying to say that, we just want to know if you'll be okay for the rest of the night." I think on it for a moment, "I..I just don't want to disappoint anyone.."'I look between them starting to tear up. My mother gives me a smile as belle and beast come up behind Ben. "Sweetie, you won't be disappointing anyone, this is something we've never seen before."

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