🎃Dude and Jesery's🎃

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I walk out to Ben on the field at the end of the day in my yellow baseball tee, blue shirt shorts, and white sneakers. "Dang you look good sis!" I smirk "thanks you do too in your tshirt and baggy shorts." He laughs hitting my shoulder "hey!" When then notice Carlos walking out onto the field. He sets his stuff down and walks over to us "okay, Carlos we're gonna do some sprints." I hold the clip board in hand as Ben held the stop watch. He runs over and gets ready "you ready?" Carlos nods, ben and I heard barking when he started the watch. We heard screams and I look up to see Carlos being chased by dude. "Oh!" Calors screams again "no, wait!"  I watch worriedly as ben yells out "sweet!" Carlos still runs yelling "no!" Ben finally looks up and realizes Carlos was screaming "Carlos? Carlos!" We both drop our stuff and run to help him.

Carlos runs into the woods and climbs up a tree with dude barking at him from bellow. "No! Stop!" He tells dude "Carlos?!" Ben and I yell out "Ben? Jackie?!" ben and I finally make it to him coming in from opposite sides. "Ben help me! That thing is a killer!" I pick up dude in my arms "he's gonna chase me down and rip my throat out! This is a vicious rabid pack animal!" I cradle dude in my arms and love on him "hey! Who told you that?" Ben asks looking from the two of us to Carlos. "My mother" stating like it was obvious "cruella!?" Carlos nods "she's a dog expert, a dog yellerer!" Carlos looks over to me as Ben chuckles "why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!" He asks me scared to death, I say in a soft voice "Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?" He looks to me worried "of course not."

Ben walks over to me "dude meet Carlos, Carlos this is dude, he's the campus mutt." He looks at the two of us and then to the scruffy puppy in my arms "he doesn't look like a vicious rabid pack animal."Ben and I give dude some more love as Carlos slowly comes down from the tree. "Jeez.." Carlos looks into dudes eyes "your a good boy aren't you?" Ben smiles as dude whimpers as Carlos goes to pet him. I hand dude over to Carlos "you're a good boy!" I smile at the two as he bounces dude softly "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island.." Ben says, Carlos looks to him with the sad look "yeah, let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs."

Ben puts his hand on Carlos's arm "good boy" I arch my eyebrow, ben shakes his head "I mean your a good runner , you're..you're fast, you know." Carlos nods "yeah, thank you" ben replies "yeah" ben grabs my hand "listen, we're gonna give you guys some space yeah?" Ben starts walking off pulling me with him. "You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find me when your done, okay?" Carlos nods "okay" ben says to him "I'll see you later" Carlos replies as he lets dude "see you later."

I stop and look back at Carlos sitting on the limb "hi. Hi. Oh!" He says as dude licks him. I laugh at ben "good boy Benny boo!" He scoffs "shut up" I laugh and jump on his back as we walk away from the field.

Ozzie's pov

Jay and I sit on the bleachers waiting for coach just talking and looking at the rule book. We both saw Jackie jump on Ben's back almost making him fall. "I saw you kiss Jackie earlier, you go dude!" I smirk "thanks dude, it was the best kiss I've ever had." The coach eventually finds us and sits between us "I can really use a couple tough guys like you two. The team is a bunch of princes, if you know what I mean." Jay and I smirk to each other "your telling me" I tell coach, Jay continues "it's all after you old chum, pardon me did I bump into you?" I laugh "where I come from it's prepare to die suckers!" Jay throws down the rule book, "as my father says, the only way to win is to make sure everyone else loses! You rip.." the coach tries to stop him "Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, let me explain a team."

The coach lowers Jay back onto the bleachers "it's like a family" Jay looks to me and then back to coach "you do not want to be at our house's for dinner time." Coach looks nervous and says "okay, okay umm, you two know how a body has a lot of different parts?" Coach puts his hands on his knees "the legs, elbows, ears, but they all need each other. Well that's what a team is. Different players who work together to win. Make any sense?" Jay smirks "can I be the fist?" I put my head in my hands and coach chuckles. Coach hands Jay and I both our jerseys, congratulates us, and walks away. We chest bump and run to Evie and Mals dorm. Jay walks in yelling "whoa ha ho!" Carlos whistles "hey" he nods to Carlos as I sit in front of Evie. Jay spins on Mals bed post and looks down at her "did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" Mal picks her head up "so you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book" the three of us turn to her as she gets more agitated " if I haven't completely struck out?!" She finishes looking up at Jay.

"Someone is in a bad mood.." Carlos says, I look beside Carlos "Carlos is that a dog?" He nods smiling "yeah, dude meet Oozie, Oozie met dude. He's the campus mutt, who I've made friends with." I smile getting on the floor the play with him. "My mom is counting on me! I can't let her down!" She says and flicks Carlos's head "ow" he narrows his eyes at her holding his head. Jay turns "we can do this.." he stops making everyone look up at him "if we stick together." Mal continues "and we won't go back until we do, because we're rotten.." everyone finishes "to the core!"

Evie twirls her pen "oh yeah I found out that fairy godmother blesses Ben and Jackie with the wand at coronation and we all get to go." We all look up at her "I have nothing to wear, of course." She rolls her eyes playfully as the door knocks "what?" She asks as Mal looks at her "hold that thought!"

Mal opens the door revealing Ben, Jackie, and zero. "Hey Mal" he says nervously "I didn't see you guys today, I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything.. that you needed" Jackie looks into the room and sees the rest of us. She waves to us and we wave back to her, I get up and go to the door I lean on the door frame with a smirk looking at her.

Jackie pov

"Not that I know of" she says looking at all of her friends. "Okay, alright! Well, uh, if you need anything just, uh.." I was backing up to walk off with him, but not before handing Oozie a note with my phone number on it. "Oh, wait!" She catches Ben's attention and he walks back to her "um is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" We both smile and look at each other "yeah the whole school goes!" I say with a smile, Mal smiles "wow!" She starts playing with her hair trying to flirt with him "that is beyond exciting!" Ben smiles bigger "do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to fairy godmother just so we could soak up all that goodness?"

Ben looks to me and I give him a knowing look "I wish I could, up front it's just me, Jackie, our folks, her siblings, and my girlfriend and if Jackie had one a boyfriend." He finishes his sentence looking at Oozie. I push Ben's shoulder as he laughs "and your girlfriend? And your boyfriend?" We nod "yeah, I'm sorry" she thinks for a moment "okay, thanks, bye!" "Oh, but, now there's plenty of.." and she slams the door in our faces.

I look up at Ben, "you know, you smile too much, you could run her off." He looks down at me "hey you have a beautiful smile, I'm just saying, as you talked the whole time, you smiled the whole time." He sighs "do you think I blew it?" I shake my head "not at all Benny boo! Not at all." He rolls his eyes bumping me into the wall. "Hey!" He walks faster and I jump on his back taking him down.

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