🎃The Isle of the Lost🎃

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Meanwhile on the isle of the Lost Harry walks through the alley way scaring people. He walks to Ursula's fish and chips. He sees a woman fishing and takes her fish walking inside. He walks and the place was packed with pirates. He throws his sword into the sword check bin. Handing the waitress the fish he walks up to the counter. Pushing people out of the way, he jumps over it to the other side turning on the tv, it shows Mal being interviewed by paparazzi.

Uma walks out with a tray and sees Harry. Walking over she gives him the tray of food. She looks to the tv and starts getting angry and throws food at Mal on the tv screen. Harry chuckles watching her. "Poser" Uma says "traitor" Harry yelled "hello!" Uma says to the customers. They all start yelling and throwing food at the tv screen. "Oh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces. You know what I mean?" Harry says as he walks up sliding his finger on the tv and taking off some food and eating it. "Gil" Uma says as she tries to get Gil's attention. He looks to her with food in his mouth "hmm?" She tilts her head "you wanna quit choking down yolks and get with the program." He gulps and says "yeah, what they said."

Uma smiles evilly "that little traitor who left us in the dark." Harry picks up some food "who turns her back on evil." Gil turns around with a smile "who said you weren't big or bad enough to be in her gang." Everyone stops and looks at him, he carry's his plate over and stands beside Uma. "Back when we were kids" he looks around at everyone "come on, you guys remember she called her shrimpy
and the name just kind of...stuck." He stops talking once he sees the look on Uma's face.

Uma turns to Harry "that snooty little witch who grabbed everything she wanted and left me nothing." Gil picks up a piece of fish and points it towards Uma and Harry "no, she left you that sandbox, and then she said that you could have the shrimp.." she slams her hand down and turns from Harry "I need you to stop talking!" She says as she smirks to him. "Look we have her turf now, they can stay in Bore-adon" Harry tells her "Harry that's her turf now!" She turns off the tv and turns to the crew " and I want it too! We should not be getting her left overs! Son of Hook." She said bring Harry closer "son of Gaston" doing the same with Gil as he eats his fish "and me most of all daughter Ursula!" She sighs and turns to Harry pushing Gil back to his food "what's my name?" Harry takes his hat off and holds it to his chest as he says Uma. "What's my name?" She asks Gil and he responds with a mouthful of food "mmm. Uma."

At the end, Uma is sitting on her seashell throne smiling evilly as everyone laughs evilly. Harry takes uma's hand walking her off the counter. But then Ursula's tentacle made an appearance as she swung the tentacle at everyone. "Shut your clams!" Uma yells aggravated to her mother "mama!" Ursula brings her tentacle back to her "these dishes ain't gonna wash themselves!" Then there was a splash sound. "It's fine, it's fine" Uma says to everyone pushing her hair back. "Because when I get my chance to rain down the evil on Auradon, I will take it. They're gonna forget that girl and remember the name.." Gil says happily "shrimpy!" Uma sighs aggravated and signals for Harry to take Gil outside.

Harry gets in front of Gil and smiles nodding his head "uh-huh" and grunts. Both boys walk outside and Harry throws him out. Gil tried to go back in, but Harry stopped him with his hook. Gil signals that he's gonna sit on the step and Harry nods walking away.

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