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"Taehyung it's the last time I'm saying this, get ready fast!!" Jimin hyung said looking at Taehyung hyung who was standing in front of the mirror setting his hair

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"Taehyung it's the last time I'm saying this, get ready fast!!" Jimin hyung said looking at Taehyung hyung who was standing in front of the mirror setting his hair. "Yah, Jimin. I want to enter that warehouse looking like a bad guy who is there to save his love." I chuckled at his illogical theories. Jimin hyung murmured something and went out. Just as he went out Taehyung hyung came and stood in front of me. "Let's leave our personal emotions behind and get this done. Hm?" I gave him a small smile and nodded.

We both went out and saw that no one was inside, everyone has already left the mansion and are sitting inside the cars. I looked at Taehyung hyung in horror only to see him sacred too. "J-Jungkook, do you think we are too late?" He asked. I gulped and nodded.

We ran out of the mansion to see Namjoon hyung standing outside the car looking really angry. "Hyung-." My words were cut off by Taehyung hyung. "Hyung we are late because of Jungkook. He started making his hair at the last moment. I swear I wasn't involved." I looked at hyung with my eyes wide open. What the hell!? He looked back at me with guilty eyes. Namjoon hyung didn't say anything, he just motioned us to get in the cars and got in the passenger seat. I'm going to get revenge on him. We sat inside our car and I glared at Taehyung hyung. He just gave me a nervous smile.

"You all know what your duties are. I'm sure I don't have to remind you all again." Jin hyung said but all I could think of was how to get revenge on Taehyung hyung. I won't leave him.

We parked our cars at least 3 km away from the tunnel. Our guards will be staying near the tunnel where as jin hyung, jimin hyung, me and Taehyung hyung will enter from the front passage. While others from the back side. We need a good back up here cause we don't know how many people we are dealing with.

Reaching near the warehouse I gave a nod to hyungs and everyone dispersed. We were now surrounding the warehouse from all the sides. "Hyung, what's the password?" I asked yoongi hyung through the ear phones. "161007" He answered. I went near the locked door and first took out it's speaker. It would have made a noise when I typed the password.

After unlocking it I made sure no one was inside. "Clear." I whispered and the members entered the warehouse. We didn't close the door in case we had to run out. The only noise I could hear was of my own breathing. Everything felt impossibly silent. It was like there's not even a fly inside. "Why is it so quite?" I heard hobi hyung through the ear phone.

We reached the main hall, even namjoon hyung, hobi hyung and yoongi hyung reached there, looking confused. This can't be, something has to be here. We searched the place but no sign of anything living. I got closer to the door and that's when I heard a noise. Not from the warehouse but from below the warehouse. I motioned my members to be quite and hear that sound. It was sound of guns loading. Shit! We don't know how many people are in there and how many guns are pointed at us. We all became alert. Although we are wearing our bulletproof jacket, the thought of my members hurting was haunting me.

It's okay Jungkook, we're all trained for this. No one will get hurt. "Get your guns loaded, let's finish this." I heard Namjoon hyung. "Wait." I said and took out 3 bullets from my pocket. I threw one on the ground near us to hear a sound of hollowness but it wasn't it. The place where we all are standing wasn't hollow, means it had ground below it. This made us a bit at ease. I threw another bullet but it still did not produce the sound.

This time I threw the third bullet a bit far from us, and just when it touched the ground a gun shot blew from below making a whole on the ground. This was it. We all circled the place and pointed our guns towards the ground. I called our guards through ear phones but I wasn't able to reach them. What the fuck!!?? Why the hell is no one responding!? I looked up and shook my head a bit telling them that I can't reach the guards. "I'll check outside." Hobi hyung said and moved towards the door. Just when he was going to open the door.

"Wait." Jin hyung said looking, we all looked at him and he was dead serious. "We didn't close the door when we entered." Right. We didn't close the door then how the fuck is it closed!? "Jimin,
call for back up." Yoongi hyung said. Jimin hyung nodded and pressed the button that activated a small bomb. The place where we had parked our cars, we placed some smoke bombs to give a signal for back ups. I heard helicopters from outside the warehouse, the back up arrived.

The front door burst open and the lights from the helicopter blinded us. I kept my hand in front of my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. That's when I saw a petite figure standing on the door. I knew who it was, even though I wasn't able to see their face. Guards ran inside circling the whole area. And guarding us. My attention again went to that petite figure, the helicopter lights were making it seem like the light was coming out of that figure.

"Did I miss something?"

"Did I miss something?"

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Just think that she's wearing cargo as her pants and a tank top

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Just think that she's wearing cargo as her pants and a tank top. Like a badass.

Thank you for reading 🦋😈

His Princess (J.Jk) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora