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It's finally the D-day today

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It's finally the D-day today. IT'S OUR ENGAGEMENT DAY. I think I should have made a journal on how we spent our days before engagement, it would have been a good one and I could have shown it to our children. Jimin hyung asked me if I wanted children, of course I want them but that doesn't depend on me, I'm not the one who give birth, it will depend on Seo-yeon, I don't have a problem if she denys for a child after all she's the one who will be in pain.

The ceremony starts at 6:00 in the evening and it's 4:10 right now. Seo-yeon is inside the mansion getting her nails done while I'm in the backyard checking all the arrangements. I want this to be perfect. I've designed the theme as per her wish, with white roses and lavenders. She's going to wear lavender dress while the ladies are requested to wear white. I'm going to wear royal blue suit while the men will wear black suits.

I haven't invited many guests, only the close ones. Seo-yeon asked me if her parents are coming but I refused cause who wants to see someone who gave away their child for some money and name in industry? Pathetic.

I moved around looking at all the things, I want this to be special, memorable. I want this day to be the best day of her and my life. I know I took her job away, the one she worked hard for, so I've thought of handing her the hospital after our engagement.

Hyungs already turned up here in the morning saying they wanted to help with the arrangements but right now they are sitting with Seo-yeon inside and having some wine while I'm the one who's getting everything ready. After I was done checking I moved inside to hear screaming.

"Taehyung stop tickling me, my nails will get ruined." Seo-yeon shouted and I heard Taehyung hyung giggle. They seriously act like children. I entered the room to see Seo-yeon sitting on the chair with her hands crossed and an annoyed look on her face while Taehyung hyung stood in front of her with a sickening smile on his face. "Call me oppa then I'll stop. You call Jimin oppa and not me, whyy?" She looked at him in disbelief and scoffed. "Why should I call you oppa? Your actions are of a 7 year old." I chuckled and this got her attention.

"Jungkoooook!!! Look he's irritating me." She whined and pointed at hyung. I looked at hyung with a questioning look and he gave me a nervous smile. "I wasn't irritating her, I'm just asking her to call me oppa, she calls Jimin oppa then why not me?" Even he whined. That's when Hobi hyung entered the room with some fruits. "Seo-yeon do you like watermelon?" He asked her and sat on the couch. "Hm. Its good for skin so I eat it a lot." She said and continued with her nails again. Taehyung hyung sat on couch pouting. "Aish, stop pouting, I'll call you oppa from now on." Seo-yeon said. I saw taehyung hyung's face lit up. He sat beside Seo-yeon and started feeding her watermelon. Gosh I have to handle them both after marriage.

"Seo-yeon it's 5:00 already. Go and get ready now." Jin hyung came and said while drinking wine. "Hm." She answered before getting up, nearing me she pecked my lips "I'll meet you in an hour." And exited the room. I looked around to see all the hyungs looking at me with a small smile. "You've grown up Jungkook." Namjoon hyung said and hugged me. All of the members joined the hug and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

I never imagined my life without my members. If they weren't here, I would have never survived. They raised me, fed me and loved me, the things parents should do were fulfilled by them. They taught me how to fight for myself and be independent. Though now I'm really dependent on them. They gave me a reason to live and fight my way through life. Though we don't have a blood relation with each other, I'm glad to have a relation of emotions, love, care and concern. I never said this to them but today I will.

"I love you hyungs. I really love you all."


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