✧༺ 7 ༻✧

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"Jungkook, stop with your obsession over that girl

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"Jungkook, stop with your obsession over that girl. You only saw her once in that alley, you don't even know her." Jimin said

"Her name is Seo-yeon. Age-25, her parents live in Melbourne, Australia. She's from a rich family, but wanted to work on her passion, her favorite colour is lavender, even her favorite flower is lavender. She likes reading. What more should I know about her?" I said and looked at Jimin with 'don't mess with me' face.

"You should know what she wants, and yesterday clearly, she didn't wanted anything you did to her." Taehyung said. I rolled my eyes at their unacceptance.
Why can't they just accept it, I'm in love with her but they aren't understanding.

"Why are you interfering in my love life?" I stated

"Cause that's not love, that's obsession. You need to understand the difference Jungkook." Jimin was worried that I will do something that I'll regret but I know myself more than these guys. I know what is good for me and what not.

I got up, took my coat, mask and cap and headed out, it was a chilly day and I wanted some distance from those two.
Winter has already started, and it's still October.

I was standing in front of Seo-yeon's house. Her living room's glass window was open and I saw her sitting on the sofa, but the next thing I saw made my teeth grind. There was Min-jun with some snacks in his hand coming towards her while she smiles at him. He sat beside her and said something which made Seo-yeon laugh. I'll kill this fucker. How dare he.

I got a call from Jin hyung, I picked up.

"Come to the head quaters." That's all he said and hung up. What is happening? I started heading towards out head quaters, not before I glanced at them. Just wait, I'll make you mine soon.

While walking I saw many couples, I wish one day Me and Seo-yeon will be happy just like them. I want to make her happy, I want to spoil her but she isn't accepting.

I reached the head quaters and went inside to see all of them sitting in the meeting room, everyone looked tensed.

"What happened?" I asked and everyone looked at me, I saw Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung, they both had no expression.

"Jungkook, who's Seo-yeon?" Namjoon hyung asked. I again looked at them but they weren't making an eye contact with me.

"Hyung- I-" I wasn't able to make any sentence at this point.

"You want to know what happened? Crystal somehow know about your liking towards Seo-yeon, she sended us a message, well it was a threat that if we touch or harm any of her men, she's going to target Seo-yeon." Hobi hyung said. I've never seen him this angry. His ears turned red.

"Why didn't you tell us about her before?" Jin hyung said. Tears formed in my eyes and I looked at Jin hyung in the eyes.

"I love her, hyung. I really love her. When I saw her, everything stopped. I wanted to be with her, it was the first time I felt something like this. I wanted to make her mine, to make her happy, I wanted to spoil her but she isn't accepting. I wanted to tell this to you guys before. But I thought you won't accept it." I cried harder.

"Why won't we accept your happiness, jungkook?" I wiped my tears and looked at yoongi hyung. I sniffled and looked at all of them one by one. "You'll accept her?" I asked in a low voice. They all smiled at me and nodded. I went and hugged Jin hyung, slowly everyone joined in the hug. Yoongi hyung wasn't joining so Tae hyung pulled him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you." I said in a whisper.

"Let's keep your princess safe."


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Crying in agustd

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Crying in agustd. 😭

Thanks for reading 💜

His Princess (J.Jk) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin