Chapter XI | Three's Company

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Heath's Point Of View

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Heath's Point Of View

As the evening dwindled, unsaid exchanges were left hanging in the air. Their weight growing steadily heavier with each passing moment. I found myself conflicted as emotions gnawed at me relentlessly. I was overwhelmed by the prospect of becoming a father. The meanwhile, Audrey was seemingly crestfallen. She was seated in the passenger's seat beside me, softly sobbing. My heart swelled as I looked to her, I wanted to comfort her but couldn't. I couldn't help but to feel slightly resentful for her failure to inform me of the news earlier. Nevertheless, despite my own feelings of angst I knew for her to be with child was much harder. Our journey ahead wasn't going to be easy I knew that for sure, but we had to work together to overcome these obstacles. I knew that the first step in doing so was by communication.

After letting out a heavy sigh, I looked over to her, finally finding my voice, I then said, "Audrey, I wish you had told me you were pregnant earlier before deciding to drop that bomb on me infront of your parents at the dinner table. You practically challenged me to go up against them completely defenseless, I felt completely blindsided. Why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you," I said.

"I know, I'm sorry, Heath. I was scared, I didn't know how you would react, please understand," Audrey said as her voice quivered.

I couldn't help but to sigh lowly to myself once more before grabbing for her hand.

"Look at me," I said.

The girl then turned to me as I reached out, caressing her cheek to gently wipe away her tears.

"Audrey, I want you to know that I love you and I want to be with you and our baby," I said softly, as my voice was filled with sincerity. "But, I can't help but to think your father is right. The future is uncertain and I've been struggling with instability," I said to her.

Her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes searched mine for a plausible explanation.

"Audrey, my entire life, ever since my mom left when I was a kid, I pretty much had to always fend for myself. The only reason my dad kept me was because I was his pawn. But I'm eighteen now, I'm a man, so I don't have to put up with him anymore. But you on the other hand have always been your parents desire, you have no idea what it feels like to be out in the real world, you've been fed with a sliver spoon your entire life. Right now my life is hell, I've been living out of my car for the past few days with barely any money to afford something to eat because my father kicked me out. A man should be able to take care of his family and Audrey, I'm sorry but I just can't provide for you and this baby. I'm not financially, or emotionally stable right now," I confessed.

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