Chapter 43

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Jasmine's POV...

He's barely looked at me since I woke up. 

It's as if everything I heard while unconscious didn't happen. However they sounded or felt, his soft words and warm hands were long gone now. And I couldn't understand why. His eyes would pass mine, just for a moment before he'd switch his gaze and there'd be a look of shame inside of them. 

My angel. If you go, I don't have anything to live for.

I heard his desperation. I felt his pain but my body was numb. What could've changed? In such a short amount of time, he'd flipped a switch. When I try to ask, he avoids me. Although not physically. He's barely left my side unless it's to get me something.

Which is every few minutes, when I try and speak and he quickly cuts me off, asking me if I need anything while rushing out the door. My voice makes him resemble a deer in headlights. 

He's taken good care of me. Not as a husband, but as a nurse. 

"How's it going, kid?" I looked away from the TV and smiled at Kai to welcome him into the room. They moved me up here when Sinn said it'd be more comfortable and he could always be close, even while showering. 

Right now, he was downstairs getting me soup. I needed to eat light, chewing hard things would make the pain worse. The antibiotics that Sinn's doctor had been giving me helped a lot and I didn't have the biggest appetite anyway so it didn't affect me too much.

"Good," I nodded. "The doctor said I'm recovering quickly-" 

"I mean apart from physically," He elaborated, giving me a soft smile. 

"Fine," I gulped and looked down at Luna who fell to her side and stretched her paws out as she slept. She didn't seem to want to leave my side either. "I guess." 

"You guess?" 

"Sinn just doesn't seem too happy with me right now," I murmured. 

"Are you kidding?" He chuckled, walking over and taking a seat on the edge of the bed with a skeptical look in his eyes, "He couldn't be happier than right now, Jasmine. What's got you thinking like that? 

"He hasn't touched me, looked at me, he barely talks to me," I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe you're right but it doesn't seem like it." 

He nodded, deep in thought as he looked away toward the door and then back at me, "You want me to talk to him?" 

I quickly shook my head, "No, it's okay. I will, whenever he gives me the chance." 

"He was a mess without you Jasmine," He started, a sad look in his eyes, "I've never seen him like that. He already convinced himself that you were dead. He thinks it's his fault because he couldn't protect you. Plus, he's on edge. We've got nothing leading to who was responsible for this." 

I nodded, looking down to conceal my watering eyes. He sighed and walked over to ruffle my hair, "It'll be alright, kid. Hang in there." 

As he walked out, I wiped my eyes and rested my head against the headboard, taking a few deep breaths to contain my emotions. When I woke up, all I wanted was him. 

I wanted his gentle voice whispering in my ear while he'd embrace me all day and night. I wanted his comfort and possessiveness. I wanted him to make me feel safe, as he always has. But right now, he's acting like he's a bomb. As if he's about to blow up when we touch.

He's not the danger. He's my only safe space. Why doesn't he realize that? 

"Alright," I snapped out of my thoughts and adjusted myself as he entered the room with a tray in his hands. As he made his way around the room and set it down, I tried sitting up, "No, no. Stay, I'll recline the bed." 

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