Chapter 6

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"Come on, rub harder!" His8 voice whined in my ear.

"I'm trying, would you just give me a minute? I need to get it wet first!" I rolled my eyes as he gripped onto the countertop, throwing his head back in frustration, "Seriously, Sinn, keep up the dramatics and you can go into that meeting with the stain still there."

He glared as I placed a rag underneath the tap, wetting a part of it then stood in front of him again, starting to dab and press harder to get the last bit of the droplets of coffee off his shirt, which was now a bit see-through since I had gotten so much water on it.

I sighed in defeat, "Just take it off. I can't get the stain off properly if you keep nagging at me and wriggling around in there."

He muttered a series of curse words under his breath then started unbuttoning it, his muscles flexing underneath, pushing their way out as he shrugged it off and threw it at my face, "Hurry up, princess, I've got a meeting in ten minutes."

My face fell as he went to walk away, the snarky comment making me grab onto his bicep and pull him back. He didn't expect it and to be quite honest, neither did I. Instead of just making him turn around, his whole body stumbled into mine, pressing me against the countertop in his private bathroom.

My face was levelled with his chest so I expected for it to hurt, quickly bringing my hands up to protect myself but the blow never came. When I lowered my hands, they fell against his which were holding the countertop to stop himself from running into me full on.

He was looking down at me disapprovingly but didn't look like he was about to move anytime soon so I shook off the awkwardness I felt with his lower stomach pressing into mine, his arms caging me in and eyes boring into mine and cleared my throat, "If you want me to do stuff for you, you'd better learn some manners mister because I am not just going to let you freeload here, alright? I came all the way just to give you a straw and went through an unnecessary amount of trouble just to get past the front desk! So either you ask me nicely to get this clean before your meeting or you can walk into that room shirtless, your choice."

My eyes found his, meeting his frightening gaze and didn't dare back down no matter how the intimidation and anger radiating off of him grew as I spoke. His jaw clenched and he broke eye contact, his tongue darting out to lick his lips from holding back whatever it is he wanted to do or say.

"And you have to stop calling me princess, I'm not going to tell you again," I added.

I could see how much he was struggling as he took deep breaths to control his anger, his hands turning into fists and feet shifting their stance every few seconds, the way he wouldn't look me in the eyes anymore until he finally started nodding, "Alright."

A squeal shot out of my mouth when his hands gripped onto my hips and roughly hoisted me onto the counter, his face closing in on mine as he pulled me to the edge so I was using his crotch as some type of support as to not fall off of the cold marble.

His hands placed on my bottom forced me to stay put as his dark eyes held me in place, a soft but mischievous look stuck on his face when a soft sigh left his mouth and his hand came up to my face and grabbed one of the front pieces of my hair to slowly twirl around.

"Jasmine?" He murmured, making my eyes dart to his lips and a high-pitched hum left my mouth in response. A smile tugged at the corners of them as he spoke, "Be a good girl and clean up that shirt for me, please, it's really important."

"Hm?" I was out of it, gripping onto his arms for support as I felt my teeth holding my bottom lip in my mouth, biting so hard I could've drawn blood. He noticed and brought his thumb up to pull it out, "Tsk, tsk tsk, you're going to hurt yourself, darling. We wouldn't want that, would we?" His voice remained soft and low, seductive and smooth as his thumb stayed put on the swollen area, caressing the damp skin.

The Sinfully WeddedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora