Chapter 32

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"I need to go. I need you to take me as far away from here as possible."

"Jasmine," Kai sighed into the phone, "think about this."

"I'm tired of thinking!" I gritted through my teeth, "I'm tired of thinking for everyone else. I'm not responsible for them. I'm tired of it. I'm done. I want to leave."

"You need to be rational," He started his attempts to settle me down, "it's not what you think, Jasmine, just come back to the house and-"

"What?" I paused. It's not what I think. How does he already know what this is about?

"Just come back to the house," He sighed, evidently desperate.

"You're at the house," I realized.


I quickly ended the call, tears filling my eyes. Kai said he'd be the one to help me if things got bad and I needed a way out. Of course, I believed him. As if he hasn't been loyal to Sinn for his entire life. I should've known better.

I sat there on a deserted road, resting my head on top of my helmet as I took a few deep breaths, "what do I do? I don't know what to do," My voice broke, my chest aching with fear as I looked around for answers that wouldn't be obtained so easily.

There's only one other person I could trust. So, I went to her.

"Jasmine?" She squinted her eyes at me in confusion, as if she couldn't believe it was me standing at her doorstep in the middle of the night, "what're you doing here, sweetheart?"

"I need help, Maurice," I finally broke down as she pulled me into her arms. Similar to children who'll get hurt and hold their tears until they see mom. She led me inside and sat me down, asking me what happened.

"You don't know?" I asked her.

"Know what, dear?"

"About my mom," I said, "and the truth about why dad married me to Sinn." She was clueless. There wasn't a single clue on her face until I explained it all to her. In shock, she stared ahead of her, taking it all in.

"We need to get you out of here, honey," She stood up and picked up a phone.

"Wait," I stood up with her, pausing hesitantly, "do you really think Sinn would hurt me?" Tears pooled in my eyes again from the mere thought of it.

"I don't know," She softened her tone as she shook her head and wiped under my eyes with her thumbs, "but I'm not sure I want to wait to find out and lose you too, Jasmine."

She dialled someone up and wandered off as she spoke on the phone, "Hello?"

I fell back onto her couch, unbelieving of what tonight's events were leading to. He must know by now. Yet, he hasn't called me once to deny any of it or sent a single text. He's letting all of this happen. And I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a terrible thing.


Hours later, Maurice had sorted things out so that I could disappear. She seemed to have a lot of connections, a lot more than I'd thought. She offered me money as well but I knew I wouldn't need it. I had everything I needed ready for me somewhere.

I never thought the day would come. When an emergency would happen and I needed a quick way to leave. I expected it to be with my father, not Sinn. I was prepared for this day in every way but one.


"We're all set, sweetie," Maurice came into the room. She'd given me a change of clothes but I decided to keep Sinn's hoodie. I'm not sure why but something in me couldn't part from it.

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