Chapter 5 - Old Connections

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I dismiss my concerns regarding cameras and return my focus to decorating my room. I don't want anything too vibrant, as that would stand out too much. But having my room too bare would lead to questions regarding why I didn't decorate my room. I needed to find a healthy balance, maybe some cheap furniture and a few posters. I give myself around 50,000 point budget but I'm sure I can spend much below that amount.

Looking at the kitchen I realise I probably need some food to. It would be a good time to stop at the store I saw that seemed to have all the essentials after I bought the things I needed for decoration.

This is going to take a while, although it is a good way to spend my time. Turning around I go and the door behind me. Taking a moment to glance outside, I confirmed that the coast was clear. No one was in sight, providing a sense of relief. I then turn towards the direction of the elevator and start walking there at a fast pace. The less people know I even exist, the less chance there is of being recognized.  Seeing the elevator, I quickened my pace. Upon arrival, I pressed the button to call the elevator.

Pressing the button to go down in the elevator, I shifted my gaze downward, focusing my attention on the floor. I think a few posters and a nice bunch of flowers would be nice to add to my room. It's also smart to have some essential medical supplies on hand, especially in case of that I on mistake cut myself. I can't die so young now can I?

Just then the elevator pinged and opened, a pink haired girl wearing glasses entered the elevator. While looking down I caught a glimse of her long hair and her familiar figure. Wait it can't possibly be? I look up to see her also looking at me with a sense of familiarity.

She also seemed to be in a confused state while looking at me. We just stood quietly in the elevator for a while until she broke the silence.

Sakura: "U-uh, have we met before?" Her voice trembled with a mix of uncertainty and nervousness.

Ai: "Oh I-" Wait that voice. I've heard it before, it reminds me of... "Shizuku?"

Sakura: "Ai???" Wait, I didn't know another idol went to ANHS either...

Ai: "Oh my god it is you!" I dropped my pretense of shyness and acted as my usual energetic character.

Sakura: "N-no way."

Ai: "I didn't know you were attending here as wel-" At that very moment, the elevator doors pinged open, revealing the loud main lobby of the dormitories which were full of other students. Without a moment of hesitation, I grabbed Shizuku's hand and dragged her away to a secluded spot where we wouldn't be disturbed in our talk. A faint yelp escaped her lips as I tightly gripped her hand and we sprinted through the main lobby. We finally came to a halt outside, next to an isolated vending machine in a deserted section of the school.

Ai: "S-sorry, I ju-just didn't want to g-get overheard by o-other students." I replied panting.

Sakura: "N-no its ok."

I continue to look at Shizuku in disbelief, realizing that I am standing beside another idol. Our idol careers have never caused us to meet  before, so I have never had the opportunity to personally interact with her. However, I have heard nothing but great things about her from people I've talked to. Taking a closer look at her, I noticed some small details that I didn't remember seeing her with. Hmm I never knew she wore glasses, could they be fake?

Ai: "Ah are those fake glassses?"

Sakura: "Y-yes, how did you know?"

Ai: "I never saw any of your promotional materiel with glasses before so I assumed as much."

Our Ordinary LivesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin