Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives

Start from the beginning

Kiyotaka: "Whatever you say Hoshino."

Ai: "Hey unfair, I thought we were using each others given names." Did she just pout?

Kiyotaka: "Hmmmm."

Ai: "Well on second thought... maybe we shouldn't use each others given names out in the public. I don't want anyone thinkin-"

Kiyotaka: "Agreed. Drawing unnecessary attention is the last thing I want. My priority is to lead a peaceful and undisturbed life." I replied, turning my gaze towards Ai. As I met her eyes, I noticed a small smile playing on her lips, directed specifically at me.

Ai: "Well Ayanokoji, I guess we're similar in that way."

Kiyotaka: "I guess we are."

Ai: "Well can I ask why you want to lead an undistrubed life?"

Kiyotaka: "Why?"

Ai: "I'm just a bit curious."

Kiyotaka: "Who knows?"

Ai: "I can't help but wonder what's going on in that mind of yours," she said with a slight giggle. "You always wear that stoic expression and speak with such a deadpan voice."

Kiyotaka: "Sometimes I wonder that too."

Just then, our conversation was abruptly interrupted by a loud commotion coming from the front of the room. It seemed that the same blonde-haired boy from the bus was also in our class. True to form, he was causing quite a scene, with his legs propped up on the desk and was examining himself in his own mirror. The audacity of his actions was drawing the attention of our classmates, creating quite the scene.

Koenji: "Ha Ha and why should I entertain the idea of introducing myself to the likes of you Hirata boy?" 

Hirata: "Well, we're going to be classmates for the next few years so we might as well get to know each other."

Koenji: "The fact the remains that introducing  myself would be pointless as I am in a class full of defectives," Koenji responded, then turning his eyes towards the back of the room with a large smirk on his face. "Well mostly full of defectives."

Narrator POV

Both Ai and Kiyotaka flinched at this statement, each thinking the exact same thing in response to Koenji's words: Does he know about me?

Kiyotaka POV

Ike: "Hey who are you calling defective!"

Random Class D Student 1: "Yeah you can't say that!"

Karuizawa: "Prick."


Hirata: "Calm down Sudou."

Koenji: "It's just as I said. Anyways I'll humour you request Hirata boy. I'm Koenji Rokusuke, the future leader of the Koenji conglomerate and the perfect existance. After graduation, expect to see me leading Japan" With that statement, Koenji picked up the few belongings he had, flipped his hair while looking at his mirror and walked right out of the room. Everyone in the room had their mouths agape and blown away by his reaction.

Random Class D Student 2: "What a dick."

Random Class D Student 3: "Self centered piece of sh-"

Hirata: "Thats enough guys."

I wonder if he knows something about me. His gaze was unmistakable, singling out either Ai or me. I can't afford to have someone who might possess information about my past freely wandering around. Koenji's actions were calculated, and his smug smirk only confirmed that he had some motive. There must be a reason behind his bold statement.

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