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You'll Float Too!

{"The greatest mistake I could have ever made, was letting you walk around rent free

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{"The greatest mistake I could have ever made, was letting you walk around rent free."}


      Your breath was uneven as you stalked to who knows where. Truth be told, you were just walking around to calm yourself down from what had just happened. 

      An older woman came to rush Eddie off to the hospital appeared when he called for her. She was not at all pleased with you and the Losers Club. She screamed in your faces and called you bunch monsters.

     But you noticed she hesitated talking to you. Something in her gut told her not to. But she did it anyway. Not noticing the harsh and cold glare the her son gave her as she did as she pleased. 

     Now that you thought of it, they had been acting a little weird. Aside from their normal oddity. "Hey." A deep masculine voice called out to you. You jumped a little, recognizing the voice. You quickly spun around, and sure enough. It was one of the Bowers Gang.

    The platinum blonde one. You honestly couldn't remember his name due to him being a really unimportant character in the story. But you knew what he could do. (And he was also a really good baseball player and most likely fast.)

     So you took off running. Hitting many corners as a sense of dread overcame you. You could practically feel his breath on your neck as he dashed closer and closer to you. 

    You let out a small whimper as he tackled you to the ground. "Hey! Calm down!" He shouted at you as he tried to restrain you. You screamed, but he kicked you. No one was around which made you feel even more hopeless.

     "I'm not here with anyone else." He stated. Still calm as can be. "I'm not here to hurt you." He said. Your eyes narrowed. "And how should I trust you? You beat me black and blue last time." you said.

     He smirked a little and slowly got off of you. And against your better judgement, you didn't run. Your heart hurt as he let you grab onto his arm. And pull him up. You sighed and looked at up.

    He looked you up and down. "What do you want?" You asked him. He only tilted his head while a smirk grew on his lips. "Questions I need answering." He stated. Your eyebrows furrowed. You nodded.

     "I'll try depending on the questions." You stated. His smirk was wiped away and replaced with a gentle smile. One that you hesitantly returned. "What's your name?" He asked you. You tilted your head.

     "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." You said. "Victor. Victor Criss." He said and held out his hand for you to shake. "Y/n. Y/n L/n." He smiled again and turned his body away from you. Gesturing for you to walk alongside him

    Yellow eyes narrowed as they watched you walk away with the platinum blonde. Neither of you two noticed. But things were about to get a lot more dangerous. Now that a demon had awoken and was at it's fullest.


     You and Victor had walked for a while now. Everything was going so well. He wasn't harassing you liked you had expected nor had he hurt you. Not to mention how he treated you like a goddess.

    Surprisingly buying (stealing) things for you. But eventually the day had to come to an end. Your heart raced as you contemplated allowing him to walk you home. Revealing where you lived. But, he seemed trust worthy right?


    You showed him the way to your home while you couldn't shake away the uneasiness that you were feeling. You sent him a smile while Victor felt his little heart flutter at your adorableness. 

     "I'll see you later, maybe?" He asked in unsureness. You giggled and covered your mouth a little. "Yeah. I guess so. Maybe we can catch a movie later?" Victor felt his face heat up rapidly. 

    "U-uh yeah sure!" He exclaimed. "What time?" He desperately asked. "Nine. Is that good for you?" You asked. He quickly nodded. Not clearly thinking about what he had to do with Henry tonight.

    "Oh!" He exclaimed. "Do you mind if I bring my friends with me?" He questioned. You sweat dropped in nervousness. "Who are these friends?" You nearly slapped yourself.

     Who else would he be friends with? Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, and Belch Huggins of course. Your eyebrows furrowed. "Sure... I don't mind." You hesitated. You didn't think you had anything going on. 

     Victor sent you a charming smile and was off on his way. You waved him off with a smile. And after a while, you walked inside. 

     Victor frowned as he walked away and muttered, "I feel horrible for you. I really do. But at the same time, what we're doing is for your sake." Not seeing that Victor was then smirking as he walked back to a familiar car

You'll Float Too!    (yandere IT various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now