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You'll Float Too!

{Sometimes even the ones you trust most will be the ones to hurt you in a way you'd never expect

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{Sometimes even the ones you trust most will be the ones to hurt you in a way you'd never expect.}


    The Roku remote hummed every time you hit a button. You were currently questioning if having a Netflix subscription was even worth it. But the only thing that really did make it worth your while was the horror movies. 

    You could never go wrong with some Scream, Halloween, and some other cheesy horror movies that Netflix themselves made. But you weren't in such a mood for those movies. You currently wanted to watch one of your horror movie favs. IT.

    As you had gotten ready, the clock seemed to tick by faster. It was currently summer, and your parents were on vacation. They trusted you to be away, might be a stupid move on their part. Considering you have the ability to lose something you just had in your hand.

    You plopped onto the floor of your room and hit the play button, popcorn in hand. Not to mention the pile of squish mallows nearly swallowing your form.

    The movie went by quick. So quick in fact that you had decided to watch it again. Not paying attention to the time. Eventually, your eyes started to feel heavy and you let sleep overcome you.



    You yelped at the sudden loud noise. You jumped out of bed. Wait. Bed? You don't remember going into bed last night. Loud and rushed footsteps were heard from the other side of your bedroom. 

    The door opened quickly and you someone. A woman that looked like you. "Y/n sweetie, are you alright?" You were shaking at that point. "W-who are you?" You asked. The woman frowned. "Y/n, are you alright? It's me, your mother."

    You blinked in surprise. You shook your head. "Oh, s-sorry Mom. I just had a n-nightmare." You said. Your 'Mother' frowned. "Okay then. If you're sure. Are you gonna get ready?" She asked.

     In confusion you asked, "For what, Mom?" Her frown deepened. "Your first day at school of course." You nodded hesitantly. 

    "Oh and one more thing Y/n, since we did get to Maine late, the school year is almost over. I heard something about the last day being some time this week. Just make as many friends as you can for the summer." 

She then left 'your' room quickly. You sighed and fell back down onto your bed. 

    But also taking this wonderful opportunity to look around your room. It was most definitely styled in the late 80's. You then got up, much to your displeasure, and saw a small town. Looking exactly like the one from a stereotypical scary movie.

    Grabbing some clothes, you hastily threw them on and ran down the stairs. (Nearly falling down on them multiple times.) You walked into the kitchen to be greeted with your mother once more. 

     She perked up once she saw you. "Hi again Y/n! I made you your favorite, French Toast! I know how much you like it." You nodded with a forced smile and walked over to the table where she placed the french toast. The silverware already being placed there.

    The sound of the sink running made you slowly look over to your mother. She wasn't eating. "Are you not gonna eat, m-mother?" You asked. She looked at you with a tired smile. "I already ate. I woke up around four-ish. I hadn't finished unpacking yet. I thought I told you that?"

     Your eyes widened and your breath hitched. You were really bad at this. You sighed and then looked up at her with a strained smile. "Ah! Sorry mom. I guess I just really stressed myself out over the new school bit that I just forgot!" 

     Chuckling nervously, as you went back to your breakfast. Your mother smiled as she saw you eating. She then looked back to her wrist and her eyes widened. "Y/n honey! You'll need to hurry it up! We're about to be running late."

     That made you panic slightly. "Oh and Y/n, the school is right down the block so you should be able to walk to it. I'm sorry that I won't be able to drive you." She said. You nodded and gave her a smile.

    "Oh no, it's fine Mom." She tilted her head. "Is it though?" You nodded. You quickly ate the food. (That obviously wasn't poisoned, thankfully.) And rushed out of the house in a hurried manner. You ran down the driveway and looked both ways.

     Your mother was right. The school was just down the block. If you tilted your head a certain way and looked past three houses, you could see it. Either that or your just visualizing it from the kids screaming down the block.

    Running as fast as you could, you sped past many kids doing the same trying to get to school. It seems no one wanted to get up this morning. Your heart sank as you reached the school. This school looked familiar. 

    If it was the school that you thought it was, then you certainly had to make it known that you weren't to be messed with. But who are you kidding? You could barely lift a carton of milk! Who would ever be scared of you?

    Walking into the school was no easy task. Kids everywhere were piling against the door trying to get to the same-ish place as you. "Move it nerds!" A masculine voice called out and a bunch of kids yelped. 

    Your heart, now about to beat out of it's chest recognized that voice. Henry Bowers. You turned your head to look at said kid. How did you memorize his voice? You're a raging bisexual and you have tiktok. That's how.

    (A/n rq- this isn't supposed to be mean at all or anything but like, people on tiktok probably haven't read the book considering it's size but, Patrick Hockstetter was a sadistic maniac. He killed animals and stuck them in a freezer and called sexually harrassed other women. ik he's hot but just remember what he did before trying to justify his actions because 'he's hot.')

You'll Float Too!    (yandere IT various x fem!reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin