Brushing those thoughts away, I try and focus on the road. My mom would kill me if she ever found that I was being this careless while driving.

After a 20-minute drive, I finally reached my dead end. THE LEDGER'S GROUP. The letters were on the building, in such big, bold letters that I am pretty sure they could be spotted from space. And also, I almost broke my neck trying to see the top of the building. The city is filled with skyscrapers but the architect did a pretty amazing job designing this building. Ledger surely paid him a whole mansion.

I take a few deep breaths and finally enter the building. I walked straight to the reception and saw this beautiful woman behind the desk. Her brown hair was tied in a low bun, not a single strand of hair was out of place. Her skin was flawless. She was dressed in a very formal business attire. She looked up at me from her computer screen as I approached and she smiled and said "How can I help you ma'am?"

I smile back. "Yes, I had an appointment with Mr. Ledger."

"Can I please get your name?"

"Audrey Jones."

"I'll just check once."

"Sure." She begins typing in her computer and I take the chance to look around me. I noticed that everyone walking in and out of this place were dressed in a very sophisticated manner. And the building wasn't noisy, judging by the fact that, there must be thousands of employees working here, it was awfully peaceful. I mean of course there were sounds, people were walking by, computers were worked on but the environment here is very peaceful, no rush, no unnecessary talking or whatever. I finally look back towards the receptionist and she was attending a call, I didn't bother to hear her conversation. I was more interested in my surrounding. There were more receptionists here, all very busy in their own work to even notice their surroundings.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ma'am."

"It's fine."

"Audrey Reese Jones is the name and the appointment is under the name of your company? Morgan Publishing House?"

"Yes. That is right."

"Give me a few minutes please." Is all she says before she picks up her handset receiver and starts dialing a number. At least could've waited for my reply.

After a minute she puts down the handset and speaks. "Ma'am, unfortunately you were a few minutes late for your appointment so currently Mr. Ledger is in a meeting."

"Wait, so I don't get to see him today?" My insides were bustling with joy and happiness.

"No ma'am, Mr. Ledger will attend to you right after the meeting is over. So, could I please kindly request you to wait for a few minutes? Mr. Ledger's assistant will be here shortly to get you." She smiles.

"Um, of course."

"Ma'am the lounge area will be that way." She says pointing towards her right.

"Oh, thank you very much." I smile back.

"Would you like some coffee?"

Oh wow, they even offer you free beverages. "That would be great thank you."

I finally settle down in the lounge area which by the way, is very posh. Soon the receptionist arrives with my coffee. "Thank you." I smile as I take my cup from her.

She smiles back and says "This is a very rare occasion."


"Mr. Ledger is a very punctual and time efficient man, so he usually refuses to attend to any appointments that are not on time."

"Oh." So why make an exception for me? Curiosity sparks inside of me.

"I assume this deal must be of great importance to him."

"Oh, of course. We are publishing the company's magazines."

"Oh, that's great." She smiles brightly. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back to my work."

"Sure, and thanks for the coffee." She smiles and walks away.

After waiting for almost fifteen minutes, Ledger's assistance finally comes to view. Thank lord. Finally.

"Hello Miss Jones, I am Adam. Mr. Ledger's personal assistant."

"Hello." I nod.

"This way please."

He starts walking and I follow him. We walk into an elevator that was on a different part of the floor so I assume this might be private. I mean of course. Zayden is no less than a celebrity. He needs privacy and peace.

We finally reach the top floor and as the elevator door opens, Adam steps aside and says "After you Miss Jones." Very gentlemanly. He did the same before entering the elevator.

"Thank you."

As I walked out, I realized that the elevator doors had opened up to lavish room. There was a luxurious couch set placed right in front of the huge glass windows overlooking the amazing view of the city. There were so many details in this room. And it looked like some kind of a lounge. Lounge? Where is Ledger?

"Looking for me, I suppose? Miss Jones?" Came the deep, rich voice of the person I so hated. Hearing his voice, brought back all the thoughts from last night that I was dreading. Suddenly something happened inside of me. His voice had awakened a feeling that I no longer recognized.

I finally turned towards my right and there he was, the gorgeous bastard. In a navy-blue suit. The top buttons of his white shirt open, giving a little glimpse of his chest. His hair a little messy but still so perfect. He was leaning onto the door frame that led to an office. I assume, that's his. There was something so seductive about the way he was standing...I wonder if that was his intention. Which I doubt, because whatever this man does is so undeniably hot...I wish I could...


[NOTE]-[If you want more of my story, please support me. It would mean the world to me. Also do comment to let me know your thoughts. Thank you. Much love to you all.]

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