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"You're going to do what?" Kimberly almost choked on her drink. AGAIN! This the second time today that Kim almost died, because of me. I mean not literally but as an exaggeration. I need that dramatic effect you know.

"Well, I will have to be the brave knight who will have to sacrifice herself in order to save the damsel in distress. The company and the old man." I shrug. No offense. I adore Mr. Morgan but he is an old man. Just facts.

Kim starts laughing hysterically. "Damn, at least you get to see the hottie. And spend some one-on-one time with him"

I almost spit my drink. "Hottie? For all I am concerned that man is the cause for all my worries right now. Even the thought of him gives me major head ache. He is the sole reason for why I ended up in a bar, with a cocktail. And about that one-on-one time, I seriously hope we do not end murdering each other."

"And as far as I am concerned, I am getting a free drink. You are paying."

"Fair enough, I did drag you in here to rant and it's not even the weekend"

"Hey! No complaints, I am loving the drama and the drink" she chuckles softly.

"Yeah, laugh all you want." I say rolling my eyes, obviously.

"No offense girl, but you did end up in this situation because you couldn't keep your nose out of the handsome jerk's business." She states matter-of-factly.

"I hate to agree with you. But I strongly disagree on the handsome part."

"Oh, come on..." she nudges me on the shoulder "You got to agree, he is one gorgeous human being."

"I mean..." He is a good-looking man but that attitude. That attitude turns everything to a big fat zero. "His personality is very sh^tty."

"Who needs personality when he's got..." she rubbed her index and thumb fingers together to gesture money. "And looks...and you know." She pointed towards her crotch and I immediately got it.

I laugh and shake my head. "Says who? The hopeless romantic?"

"Hopeless romantic who?"

"B*tch you." I laugh. "I am pretty sure that you are dying to get married, for all that I know you'd get married right away. Only issue do not have a man." I say swaying my head side to side.

"Ouch. Damn girl, don't come for me like that. That hurts you know." She pretends to cry. "I will just drink all my sorrows." Then in the very next moment she gulps down her whole drink.

I simply shake my head in disbelief and literally thank God form giving me Kimberly. She is literally a ray of sunshine in my life. She is the kind of friend that everyone needs in their lives. For once I had actually forgotten all my worries.

"But on a serious note." She starts... Why did you even agree? You should have just denied and walked out."

"Well, honestly...I agreed because of Mr. Morgan. This is the lease I could do for him. After all that he has done for me."

"Well, that makes a whole lot of sense."

"I don't want others to suffer because of my actions. Who knows what that psycho may do?" I take a sip of my drink "Precautions are better than cure right."

"Ooh. Philosophy. I like." And we start laughing.

After many drinks, laughs and gossips later, I finally feel the worry leaving my body.

"On a serious note..."

"Oh boy! This is the second time you have said it"

"Okay then" she pauses


"On a very serious note..."

I laugh "Yeah what?"

"Do you not want to settle down?" And my smile fades away.

"I haven't thought about it."

"Geez, no need to be so bitter about it. Getting such bad vibes"

"I am just not interested in this topic." I sigh.

She puts her hand on top of mine in a way to reassure me. "You need to let the past go. Let him go. You cannot let the past hold you back. You have a life to live. Why sacrifice it for that guy?"

I know she has a point but... "I don't think I am ready."

"You are not ready? It's been what? Almost six years and you still can't let him go." She looks at me in disbelief.

"It has...he has..." I sigh. "Its something I can never let go. He had that kind of an impact on me."

She finally gives up and looks at me with empathy. "Honey, I know it's hard for you, but at least try okay. It's your life you need to live every moment of it." She says while hugging me.

I sniff my tears back in her shoulder while she holds me tightly. I am so grateful that I have her. I don't think ill ever get tired of saying this. "I love you. You are the best you know."

"I do know. And love you too." I chuckle hearing her words.

I finally feel so relieved about the whole situation I have going on with The Ledger. Ranting to your best friend helps so much you know. Even though Kim kept laughing about it, she still managed to make me laugh. I had this new energy take over me after I reached home. Now I feel energized and ready to take on Ledger. I don't know whether it's the confidence talking or the alcohol.

I check my email before heading to bed and clearly enough Mr. Morgan had set an appointment with Mr. Zayden Gage Ledger. Sharp at 10 o'clock. At least I'll not have to wake up super early tomorrow, because apparently me apologizing is much more important than my projects that are due. So, only for this appointment I was given a day off. I needed some sleep though, after the heavy drinks tonight. Eh whatever, more drinks tomorrow. I'll need them after being with Ledger.

Also, the drinks today were fire...and I know because I could feel the fire in my tummy. Ooh. Still feeling them.

As I lay in bed, almost half asleep, I have a late-night thought. Even though that man has a sh^tty personality, he has such a handsome face. And those lips...oh to be able to taste them. I wonder what hides beneath that expensive as f^ck suit of his. I bet he is built like a Greek god. I feel so shy just thinking about it. What will happen if I ever get to touch them? Ooh, blushy. I feel so giggly. I should try and poke him in his tummy the next will be so funny. Will he overtake me as well? Or will he destroy me? I am ready to be destroyed by him though. He can do whatever he wants, it isn't every day that you meet a man like lucks. Oh, to feel his hard muscles and his hard...


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