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"Ooh, this article seems helpful enough."

Damn, I did a pretty good job. I think this would be enough for now, I'll check the mail later. I feel so stiff my god. Time to stretch a bit. Suddenly my phone starts going off, it starts buzzing with notifications. "Chill dude." I pick it up and that's when I notice the time, and guess what?

It's already time for lunch, what the heck? Was I that into digging out information? I check the notifications and it's all from Kimberly. She's going to kill me. Lunch is literally her favorite time of the day. This girl lives for food. And I made her wait? How dare I?

I quickly grab my wallet and rush towards the elevator. Frantically pushing all the buttons in a hope that the elevator will reach my floor quicker. When it did not, I had no choice but to wait. My phone started going off again and this time it was a call from Kim. "Lord save me!"

"Hi Hun." I answer the call.

"For f^cks sake Rey, where are you?"

"I am actually waiting for the elevator you know."

"Girl, I am starving. After working for hours, I at least deserve a good lunch."

"Of course, you do Kim. I'll be there in a minute okay!?!"

"I'll be counting down a minute now."

"So strict!?!"

And she hung up.

I finally was able to get the elevator and when I saw Kim, she looked pissed. I laugh to myself thinking how much this girl loved her food time.

"You said 1 minute." Seriously now?

"Well when I said that, I did not exactly expect you to starting counting sixty seconds you know."

"You know how particular I am about lunch time!!!"

"Yes ma'am." I pretend to do a little salute which she ignores completely. RUDE.

"So, where do you want to go eat?"

We quickly decide on a place to go eat and as quickly place our orders.

"So, girl, did you find something?"

"I sure did. Not a lot of information but it's something."

"Yeah, I mean as far as I know, this CEO is hot." I simply roll my eyes at that statement.

"Kim, all I care is about getting this job done."

"Yeah, I know." She said, clearly stating her annoyance. "But when I said hot, I did not only mean his physical appearance, he is an all-rounder in this category."

"Now what would that mean?"

"Meaning, that he is a hot topic on all magazines, interview shows etc etc. Everybody wants to know about him but not many can get a hold on him. His achievements and his professional life are quite public but nothing on his personal life. All that you'll find on these tabloids or magazine covers are all about his company. Mainly."

"That's all I need anyway. We are after all making a magazine for his company not him."

"Girl you are such a bore sometimes. You know there is a life outside your workplace. There you only have to be yourself, that is, Audrey Reese Jones, not a graphic designer from Morgan Publishing House."

"I know Kim, but being a graphic designer is all that's left of me."

"Ssh, there's much more to you. You just need to rediscover yourself and hell you need to take some risks."

"What risks?"

She rolls her eyes at my dumbness. "Girl tell me, when was the last time you got laid? When was the last time you even let someone touch you there?" she said pointing towards know. "When was the last time you had any male interaction?"

"Umm, I flirted with a guy when we went clubbing the last time?"

She just lets out a heavy sigh and looks at me with a pitiful expression. "Don't look at me like that. I do not need a man. I repeat, I do not need a man."

"I am just waiting for someone to enter your life and sweep you off your feet."

"That will not be happening anytime soon."

"You need to let yourself loose sometimes, you're almost 27. You work hard at your job so I really think you deserve to enjoy yourself"

"I don't think I need a man to enjoy my life."

"Right." That's clear sarcasm. And I hate sarcasm but ehh.

I honestly am tired of hearing this. I don't know why people think I need a man to enjoy my life. I am doing pretty good without one. I do go out to clubs sometimes and flirt with men. Sometimes. Honestly not my cup of tea. My experience with men hasn't been that good, so I prefer to avoid them.

The day went by pretty fast after that. Not much to do honestly. I think everybody was just busy prepping for tomorrow's big meeting. Nobody wants to mess this up. All I did was check the details Mrs. Beckam had mailed me. And that helped me come up with some ideas. The rest I can only do after the meeting tomorrow. I just hope it goes well.


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